Interface ReferencesLayer

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    public interface ReferencesLayer
    extends TextCorpusLayer
    The ReferencesLayer layer represents annotations on tokens, or sequences of tokens, that refer to the same entities. The layer consists of a list of entity elements. Each entity element consists of all the mentions (reference elements) that refer to this entity. Each reference element enumerates token identifiers, pointing to a sequence of tokens that represents this reference. Optionally, the minimum sequence of tokens of the reference can be specified (e.g. when reference is a long noun phrase, minimum representation is the head of the phrase). Linguistic type of the reference (pronoun/nominal/name/demonstrative/zero pronoun, other/finer distinctions are possible) type can be specified. Relation to another reference (to target reference) can be specified as well (anaphoric, cataphoric, coreferential, etc.). Additionally, an external identifier of the entity can be provided (url of a Wikipedia article for the entity, id of the entity in a database, etc.) References layer has optional attributes to specify type tagset for the case when linguistic types of references are specified, relation tagset for the case relations between references are specified, name of external reference source in case external references of entities are provided.
    Yana Panchenko