

package actuarius

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ActuariusTransformer extends Transformer

    Simple Standalone Markdown transformer.

  2. case class AtxHeaderLine(pre: String, pay: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    An atx style header line.

  3. trait BaseParsers extends RegexParsers

    Basic parsers for Markdown Source.

  4. trait BlockParsers extends Parsers

    A parser for the markdown language.

  5. case class BlockQuoteLine(pre: String, pay: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    A line indicating a block quote (starts with "> ")

  6. case class CodeLine(pre: String, pay: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    A line in verbatim code or the continuation of a list item

  7. trait Decorator extends AnyRef

    This trait influences the behavior of the Markdown output of inline and block parsers and the complete transformer.

  8. case class EmptyLine(content: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    A line consisting only of whitespace.

  9. case class ExtendedFencedCode(pre: String, pay: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    Starting line of a fenced code block: three backticks followed by an optional language token

  10. case class FencedCode(pre: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    Ending line of a fenced code block: three backticks followed by optional whitespace

  11. trait InlineParsers extends BaseParsers

    A parser for inline markdown, markdown escapes and XML escapes.

  12. trait LineParsers extends InlineParsers

    Parses single lines into tokens.

  13. case class LineReader extends Reader[String] with Product with Serializable

    A Reader for reading whole Strings as tokens.

  14. class LineTokenizer extends Parsers

    Chops the input into lines and turns those lines into line tokens.

  15. case class LinkDefinition(id: String, url: String, title: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Definition of a link or url that can be referenced by id.

  16. case class LinkDefinitionStart(id: String, url: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Stub class that is an intermediate result when parsing link definitions.

  17. sealed abstract class MarkdownLine extends AnyRef

    Represents a line of markdown.

  18. case class MarkdownLineReader extends Reader[MarkdownLine] with Product with Serializable

    This class allows us to reference a map with link definitions resulting from the line parsing during block parsing.

  19. case class OItemStartLine(pre: String, pay: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    A line indicating the start of an ordered list item (starts with " [NUMBER].

  20. case class OtherLine(content: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    Any other line.

  21. case class RulerLine(content: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    A horizontal ruler line.

  22. case class SetExtHeaderLine(content: String, headerLevel: Int) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    Represents the underline for a setext style header

  23. trait TimedTransformer extends AnyRef

    Quick and dirty test for measuring the time of this Parser.

  24. trait Transformer extends AnyRef

    This is the Transformer that uses the other parsers to transform markdown into xhtml.

  25. case class UItemStartLine(pre: String, pay: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    A line indicating the start of an unordered list item (starts with " * ")

  26. case class XmlChunk(content: String) extends MarkdownLine with Product with Serializable

    Represents lines of verbatim xml.

Value Members

  1. object ActuariusApp extends Transformer

    Contains a main methdod that simply reads everything from stdin, parses it as markdown and prints the result to stdout.

  2. object Decorator extends Decorator

    Default instance of Decorator with the standard Markdown behavior

  3. object TimeTest
