class icon trait icon trait icon trait icon
  1. focushidelspace
    1. Implicits
    2. NS
  1. focushidelspace.datatype
    1. BoolType
    2. CalendarType
    3. CollectionType
    4. ColorType
    5. DataType
    6. DataTypeDef
    7. DateTimeType
    8. DoubleType
    9. DurationType
    10. EdgeURLType
    11. GeoLineType
    12. GeometricType
    13. GeoMultiGeometryType
    14. GeoMultiLineType
    15. GeoMultipointType
    16. GeoMultiPolygonType
    17. GeopointType
    18. GeoPolygonType
    19. GraphType
    20. IntType
    21. IriType
    22. ListSetType
    23. ListType
    24. LiteralType
    25. LocalDateTimeType
    26. LocalDateType
    27. LocalTimeType
    28. LongType
    29. MapType
    30. NodeURLType
    31. NumericType
    32. QuantityType
    33. SetType
    34. StructuredType
    35. TextType
    36. TupleType
    37. ValueURLType
    38. VectorType
  1. focushidelspace.datatype.util
    1. Implicits
    2. TypeHelper
  1. focushidelspace.librarian.logic
    1. Assistent
    2. DefaultAssistent
  1. focushidelspace.librarian.logic.predicate
    1. And
    2. Between
    3. CollectionP
    4. Contains
    5. ContainsFuzzy
    6. ContainsPrefix
    7. ContainsRegex
    8. Disjoint
    9. EqP
    10. Eqv
    11. Fuzzy
    12. Gt
    13. Gte
    14. Inside
    15. Intersect
    16. Lt
    17. Lte
    18. Neqv
    19. Or
    20. OrderP
    21. Outside
    22. P
    23. PredicateDef
    24. PredicateWrapper
    25. Prefix
    26. RangeP
    27. Regex
    28. SeqP
    29. Suffix
    30. Within
  1. focushidelspace.librarian.provider
    1. _303BookWorm
  1. focushidelspace.librarian.task
    1. AsyncGroupedTraversal
    2. AsyncGuide
    3. AsyncTraversal
    4. FTraversal
    5. GroupedTraversal
    6. Guide
    7. IndexedGuide
    8. RemoteGuide
    9. SyncGroupedTraversal
    10. SyncGuide
    11. SyncTraversal
    12. task
    13. TaskBuildException
  1. focushidelspace.librarian.traversal
    1. BarrierStep
    2. BranchStep
    3. ClipStep
    4. CoFilter
    5. CollectingBarrierStep
    6. CollectingStep
    7. Collection
    8. ContainerSteps
    9. EndFolder
    10. EnvironmentStep
    11. FilterBarrierStep
    12. FilterStep
    13. GlobalFilterStep
    14. GraphStep
    15. HasStep
    16. HListOps
    17. LabelSteps
    18. LabelStepTypes
    19. Librarian
    20. Mapper
    21. MapStep
    22. MoveStep
    23. OutTweaker
    24. RearrangeBarrierStep
    25. ReducingBarrierStep
    26. ResourceStep
    27. Segment
    28. SelectorSelecter
    29. Step
    30. StepDef
    31. StepWrapper
    32. StructureCalculator
    33. Terminate
    34. TraveralEndMapper
    35. Traversal
    36. TraversalPath
    37. TraversalsFolder
    38. TraverseStep
    39. UntypedTraversal
  1. focushidelspace.librarian.traversal.step
    1. And
    2. As
    3. Coalesce
    4. Coin
    5. Count
    6. Dedup
    7. Drop
    8. E
    9. From
    10. G
    11. Group
    12. Has
    13. HasId
    14. HasIri
    15. HasLabel
    16. HasNot
    17. HasValue
    18. Head
    19. Id
    20. In
    21. InE
    22. InEMap
    23. InMap
    24. Is
    25. Label
    26. Last
    27. Limit
    28. Local
    29. Max
    30. Mean
    31. Min
    32. N
    33. Not
    34. Or
    35. Order
    36. Out
    37. OutE
    38. OutEMap
    39. OutMap
    40. Path
    41. Project
    42. R
    43. Range
    44. Repeat
    45. Select
    46. Sum
    47. Tail
    48. TimeLimit
    49. To
    50. Union
    51. V
    52. Where
  1. focushidelspace.librarian.util
    1. AssertionNotSupported
  1. focushidelspace.provider.detached
    1. DetachedGraph
  1. focushidelspace.provider.mem
    1. MemDataGraph
    2. MemEdge
    3. MemGraph
    4. MemGraphHistory
    5. MemIndexGraph
    6. MemNode
    7. MemNSGraph
    8. MemResource
    9. MemTransaction
    10. MemValue
  1. focushidelspace.provider.mem.index
    1. MemIndex
    1. MemEdgeStore
    2. MemNodeStore
    3. MemStore
    4. MemValueStore
  1. focushidelspace.provider.transaction
    1. TEdge
    2. TNode
    3. Transaction
    4. TResource
    5. TValue
  1. focushidelspace.provider.wrapped
    1. WrappedEdge
    2. WrappedNode
    3. WrappedResource
    4. WrappedValue
  1. focushidelspace.structure
    1. ClassType
    2. ClassTypeDef
    3. DataGraph
    4. Edge
    5. Graph
    6. History
    7. IndexGraph
    8. IriResource
    9. NameSpaceGraph
    10. Node
    11. Ontology
    12. OntologyDef
    13. PartialInEdge
    14. PartialOutEdge
    15. Property
    16. PropertyDef
    17. Resource
    18. TypedProperty
    19. Value
  1. focushidelspace.structure.index
    1. Index
  1. focushidelspace.structure.index.shape
    1. Shape
    1. EdgeStore
    2. NodeStore
    3. Store
    4. ValueStore
  1. focushidelspace.structure.util
    1. ClassTypeable
    2. GraphUtils
    3. IdProvider
    4. Selector
    5. Selector0
    6. Selector1
    7. Selector2
    8. Selector3
  1. focushidelspace.types.string
    1. Iri
    2. Prefix
  1. focushidelspace.types.vector
    1. BBox
    2. Geometry
    3. Line
    4. MultiGeometry
    5. MultiLine
    6. MultiPoint
    7. MultiPolygon
    8. Point
    9. Polygon
  1. focushidelspace.util
    1. CacheStatus
    2. SampleGraph
  1. focushidelspace.util.types
    1. DefaultsToAny