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add(VObject) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator
Adds the specified object after the last element returned by VIterator.next().
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Adds the specified change listener to this property.
addListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Adds the specified change listener.
addListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
addListener(ChangeListener, boolean) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Adds the specified change listener.
addListener(ChangeListener, boolean) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.ObservableObject
all() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Returns all changes to the model (observable collection) that were recorded since the last Changes.start() call.
all() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
Annotation - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
annotationByKey(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Returns the annotation specified by key.
annotationByKey(String) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Reflect
Returns annotation specified by key.
AnnotationImpl - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal
AnnotationImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.AnnotationImpl
annotations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ReflectImpl
annotations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Returns the list of annotations of this object.
annotations() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Reflect
Returns the list of annotations of this object.
annotationsByKey(String) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Reflect
Returns annotations specified by key.
apply(VObject) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Applies this change to the specified object.
asModifiable() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.ReadOnly
asReadOnly() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VObject
Returns a read-only wrapper of this object.
asStream() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator
Returns a stream backed by this iterator.


Change - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
A model change.
Change.ChangeType - Enum in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Change Type
ChangeListener - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
A model change listener.
changes() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Transaction
changes() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VMF
Returns the changes applied to this object.
Changes - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Contains change related functionality of this object graph.
ChangesImpl - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal
ChangesImpl() - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
clear() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Removes all recorded changes (also removes transactions).
clear() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
clone() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VObject
Returns a deep clone of this object.
CONTAINMENT_TREE - eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator.IterationStrategy
Visits the containment tree.
content() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VMF
Returns the content of this object.
Content - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Content of this object graph.


deepCopy() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns a deep copy of this object.
DelegatedBehavior<T extends VObject> - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Delegation interface for invoking custom implementations.
disableModelVersioning() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl


enableModelVersioning() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.AnnotationImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
equals(String, String) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Annotation
eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core - package eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal - package eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal


get() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Returns the value of this property.
getDefault() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Returns the default value of this property.
getKey() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Annotation
getKey() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.AnnotationImpl
getName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Returns the name of this property.
getName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
Returns the name of this type.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Returns the timestamp which denotes the creation of this change.
getType() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Returns the type of this change.
getType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Returns the type of this property.
getValue() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Annotation
getValue() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.AnnotationImpl


hashCode() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.AnnotationImpl
hashCode() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
hasNext() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator


Immutable - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Denotes an immutable type.
isAddSupported() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator
Indicates whether adding at the current iterator location is supported.
isIgnoreNullObjects() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.TraversalListener
Indicates whether null objects are ignored.
isListType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
Indicates whether this type is a list type.
isModelType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
Indicates whether this type is a model type.
isModelVersioningEnabled() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Indicates whether model versioning is enabled.
isModelVersioningEnabled() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
isSet() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Indicates whether this property is set.
isUndoable() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Indicates whether this change can be reverted.
isUndoable() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Transaction
iterator() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns an iterator that traverses the object graph (depth first) using the VIterator.IterationStrategy.UNIQUE_PROPERTY iteration strategy.
iterator(VIterator.IterationStrategy) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns an iterator that traverses the object graph (depth first) using the specified iteration strategy.


LIST - eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change.ChangeType
Change affects a list.
listChange() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Returns the list change (optional) which exists if this change affects a list (list elements added, removed, etc.).


modelVersion() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Returns the model version.
modelVersion() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
ModelVersion - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Model version.
Mutable - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Denotes a mutable type.


newInstance(boolean, boolean, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
newInstance(VObjectInternal, String, boolean) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
newValue() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.PropertyChange
next() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator


object() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Returns the object affected by this change
ObservableObject - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
of(VObject) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator
Returns an iterator that iterates over the specified object graph using the VIterator.IterationStrategy.UNIQUE_NODE iteration strategy.
of(VObject, TraversalListener, VIterator.IterationStrategy) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator
Returns an iterator that iterates over the specified object graph using the specified iteration strategy
of(VObject, VIterator.IterationStrategy) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator
Returns an iterator that iterates over the specified object graph using the specified iteration strategy
oldValue() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.PropertyChange
onChange(Change) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.ChangeListener
Called whenever the object graph changes.
onEnter(VObject) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.TraversalListener
Called whenever the traversal algorithm enters an object node.
onExit(VObject) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.TraversalListener
Called whenever the traversal algorithm exits an object node.


properties() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ReflectImpl
properties() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Reflect
Returns the list of properties of this object.
Property - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
PROPERTY - eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change.ChangeType
Change affects a single property.
propertyByName(String) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Reflect
Returns the model property specified by name.
propertyChange() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Returns the property change (optional) which exists if this change affects a single property.
PropertyChange - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Represents a property change.
propertyName() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Returns the name of the property affected by this change.
publishTransaction() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Publishes a transaction that consists of all changes since the last startTransaction() or publishTransaction() call.
publishTransaction() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl


ReadOnly - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Denotes a read-only type.
referencedBy() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns an unmodifiable list of all objects that reference this object.
references() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns an unmodifiable list of all objects that are referenced by this object.
reflect() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
Returns the reflection API of this type (static reflection only).
reflect() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VMF
Returns the reflection API of this object.
Reflect - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Reflection API of an object/type.
ReflectImpl - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal
ReflectImpl() - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ReflectImpl
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.ObservableObject


set(VObject) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator
Replaces the last element returned by VIterator.next() with the specified object.
set(Object) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Sets this property to the specified object.
setCaller(T) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.DelegatedBehavior
Sets the caller that delegates to this class.
setDefault(Object) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
setModel(VObject) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
setModel(VObject) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ReflectImpl
setModelToChanges(Changes) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternalModifiable
setStaticOnly(boolean) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ReflectImpl
shallowCopy() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns a shallow copy of this object.
start() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Starts recording changes.
start() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
startTransaction() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Starts a new transaction.
startTransaction() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
stop() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Stops recording changes.
stop() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
stream() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns a stream that contains all elements of the object graph (depth first) using the VIterator.IterationStrategy.UNIQUE_PROPERTY iteration strategy.
stream(VIterator.IterationStrategy) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns a stream that contains all elements of the object graph (depth first) using the specified iteration strategy.
stream(Class<T>) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns a stream that contains all elements of the object graph (depth first) that implement/extend the specified type.
stream(Class<T>, VIterator.IterationStrategy) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Content
Returns a stream that contains all elements of the object graph (depth first) that implement/extend the specified type.
superTypes() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
Returns the super types of this type.


timestamp() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.ModelVersion
Returns the timestamp which denotes the creation of this model version.
toString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.AnnotationImpl
toString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Type
Transaction - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
A collection of changes.
transactions() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Changes
Returns all model transactions (observable collection) that were published since the last Changes.start() call.
transactions() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.ChangesImpl
TraversalListener - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Traversal listener for traversing object graphs and performing corresponding actions.
traverse(VObject, TraversalListener) - Static method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.TraversalListener
Traverses the specified object graph with the default strategy.
traverse(VObject, TraversalListener, VIterator.IterationStrategy) - Static method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.TraversalListener
Traverses the specified object graph.
Type - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Represents a type, e.g.


undo() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change
Performs an undo operation (if possible).
undo() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Transaction
UNIQUE_NODE - eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator.IterationStrategy
Visits each node exactly once.
UNIQUE_PROPERTY - eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator.IterationStrategy
Visits each property of each node exactly once.
unset() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Property
Unsets this property, i.e., resets it to the specified default values.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator.IterationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.Change.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VIterator.IterationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
versionNumber() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.ModelVersion
Returns the model version number.
VIterator - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Iterator that iterates over the specified object graph.
VIterator.IterationStrategy - Enum in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
Iteration strategy.
vmf() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.VObject
Returns the VMF related functionality.
VMF - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
VObject - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core
VMF base class.
VObjectInternal - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal
VObjectInternalModifiable - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal


_vmf_getAnnotations() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
_vmf_getChildrenIndices() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the indices of all children properties which declare this object as parent container (opposite).
_vmf_getDefaultValueById(int) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the default value of the specified property.
_vmf_getIndicesOfPropertiesWithModelElementTypes() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the indices of all collection properties with model element types.
_vmf_getIndicesOfPropertiesWithModelTypeOrElementTypes() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the indices of all properties with model instances or collections that contain model instances.
_vmf_getIndicesOfPropertiesWithModelTypes() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the indices of all properties with model types or collections that contain model instances.
_vmf_getMutableObject() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the mutable instance wrapped by this instance.
_vmf_getPropertyAnnotationsById(int) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
_vmf_getPropertyIdByName(String) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the property index of the specified property name.
_vmf_getPropertyNames() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the names of the properties defined in this type/object.
_vmf_getPropertyTypeNames() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the type names of the properties defined in this type/object.
_vmf_getPropertyTypes() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the type ids of the properties defined in this type/object.
_vmf_getPropertyValueById(int) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns values of properties by id (calls getter methods).
_vmf_getSuperTypeNames() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the names of the super types of this class.
_vmf_getTypeId() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Returns the type id of this class.
_vmf_isReadOnly() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Indicates whether this object is a read-only instance.
_vmf_isSetById(int) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Determines whether the specified property is set.
_vmf_referencedBy() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
_vmf_references() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
_vmf_setDefaultValueById(int, Object) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternal
Defines the default value for the specified property.
_vmf_setPropertyValueById(int, Object) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternalModifiable
Sets values of properties by id (calls setter methods).
_vmf_unsetById(int) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.runtime.core.internal.VObjectInternalModifiable
Unsets the specified property.
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