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All Classes All Packages


alignRight(int, int) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
alignRight(String, int) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
Annotation - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 05.12.2018.
AnnotationInfo - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
AnnotationInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.AnnotationInfo
Annotations - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
asString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResource
asString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResourceSet


CLASS - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.PropType
className() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegateTo
close() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.FileResource
close() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResource
close() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.Resource
CodeGenerator - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Code generator that generates Java code for the specified model instance.
CodeGenerator() - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CodeGenerator
CodeGenerator(VelocityEngine) - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CodeGenerator
COLLECTION - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.PropType
CollectionType - Enum in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 13.01.2017.
computeFileNameFromJavaFQN(String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.TypeUtil
CONTAINED - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentType
Container - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 02.01.2017.
CONTAINER - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentType
ContainmentInfo - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
ContainmentType - Enum in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
Contains - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 02.01.2017.


DefaultValue - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 18.06.2018.
DelegateTo - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 21.03.2017.
DelegationInfo - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 21.03.2017.
destinationPackage() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.VMFModel


equals(Object) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.AnnotationInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
escapeJavaStyleString(Writer, String, boolean) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
escapeJavaStyleString(String, boolean) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
eu.mihosoft.vmf - package eu.mihosoft.vmf
eu.mihosoft.vmf.core - package eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io - package eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io
extendsType(ModelType) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType


FileResource - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io
FileResourceSet - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io
A file resource set used for Java code generation.
FileResourceSet(File) - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.FileResourceSet
Creates a new file resource set.
firstToLower(String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
firstToUpper(String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil


generate(ResourceSet, File...) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(ResourceSet, Class<?>...) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CodeGenerator
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(ResourceSet, Class<?>...) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(ResourceSet, ClassLoader, File...) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(ResourceSet, ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(File, File...) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(File, Class<?>...) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(File, ClassLoader, File...) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(File, ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
generate(File, String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.VMF
Generates code for the specified model definition.
getAllTypesThatImplement(ModelType) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
Returns all types that implement the specified type.
getAnnotations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getAnnotations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getAnnotations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getConstructorDelegations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getConstructorDelegations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getContainmentInfo() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getContainmentType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentInfo
getCustomOrderIndex() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
Returns the requested customOrderIndex of this property.
getDefaultValueAsString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getDelegations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getDelegations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getDelegationsOneForEachType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getExtendsString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getFile() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.FileResource
Returns the file object associated with this resource set.
getFullTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
getFullTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getFullTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyInterface
getGenericPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getGenericType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getGenericTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getGetterDeclaration() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getGetterPrefix() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getImmutableImplementsString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getImplementation() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getImplementsString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getImplementz() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getImports() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getImports() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getInterface() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getKey() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.AnnotationInfo
getMemSet() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResourceSet
getMethodDeclaration() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
getMethodDelegations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getMethodDelegations() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getMethodName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
getModel() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Interface
getName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyInterface
getNameWithUpperCase() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getOpposite() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentInfo
getOpposite() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.SyncInfo
getOther() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentInfo
getOther() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.SyncInfo
getPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Interface
getPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
getPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyImplementation
getPackageName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyInterface
getPackageName(Class<?>) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.TypeUtil
getPackageNameFromFullClassName(String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.TypeUtil
Returns the package name from the specified full class name using slash notation.
getParamNames() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
getParamTypes() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
getParent() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getProperties() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getProperties() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Interface
getProperties() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getProperties() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyImplementation
getProperties() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyInterface
getPropertiesForEquals() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getPropertiesWithoutCollectionsBasedContainment() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getPropertiesWithoutCollectionsBasedContainment() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Interface
getPropertiesWithoutCollectionsBasedContainment() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getPropId() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getPropType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getReadOnlyImplementation() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getReadOnlyImplementsString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getReadOnlyInterface() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getReturnType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
getReturnTypeAsString(Model, Method) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.TypeUtil
Returns the return type of the specified method as string.
getRootSrcFolder() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.FileResourceSet
getSetterDeclaration() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getShortNameFromFullClassName(String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.TypeUtil
Returns the short class name from the specified full class name, i.e., class name without package/classpath.
getSimpleTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getSyncInfo() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
GetterOnly - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 02.01.2017.
getThisProp() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentInfo
getThiz() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentInfo
getThiz() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.SyncInfo
getType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Interface
getType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyImplementation
getType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyInterface
getTypeAsString(Model, Class<?>) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.TypeUtil
Returns the specified type as string.
getTypeId() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getTypeId() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getTypeId() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyImplementation
getTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
getTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
getTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
getTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyImplementation
getTypeName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyInterface
getTypes() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
getValue() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.AnnotationInfo
getVarName() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
getWritableImplementsString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType


hashCode() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.AnnotationInfo
hashCode() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop


IgnoreEquals - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 08.01.2017.
IgnoreToString - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 08.01.2017.
Immutable - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 10.03.17.
Implementation - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
index() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.PropertyOrder
initPropIds() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
Interface - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
InterfaceOnly - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 10.03.17.
isCloneMethodDelegated() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
Indicates whether the Object.clone() is delegated to a custom implementation.
isCollectionType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isConstructor() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
isContained() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isContainer() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isContainmentProperty() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isCustomPropertyOrderPresent() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
Indicates whether a custom property order is present.
isEqualsMethodDelegated() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
Indicates whether the Object.equals(Object) is delegated to a custom implementation.
isGetterOnly() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isHashCodeMethodDelegated() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
Indicates whether the Object.hashCode() is delegated to a custom implementation.
isIgnoredForEquals() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isIgnoredForToString() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isImmutable() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
isInterfaceOnly() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
isModelType() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isModelType(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
isRequired() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
isToStringMethodDelegated() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
Indicates whether the Object.toString() is delegated to a custom implementation.
isVoid() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo


key() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Annotation


LIST - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CollectionType


MemoryResource - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io
MemoryResource() - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResource
MemoryResourceSet - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io
MemoryResourceSet() - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResourceSet
mergeTemplate(String, VelocityContext, Writer) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CodeGenerator
Generates template code for the specified template.
Model - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
ModelType - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.


newInstance(Model, Class<?>) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
newInstance(Model, Class<?>, int) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
newInstance(Model, Method) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
newInstance(ModelType) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Implementation
newInstance(ModelType) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Interface
newInstance(ModelType) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyImplementation
newInstance(ModelType) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ReadOnlyInterface
newInstance(ModelType, ModelType, Prop) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.SyncInfo
newInstance(ModelType, Prop, ModelType, Prop, ContainmentType) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentInfo
newInstance(ModelType, Method) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
newInstance(Class<?>...) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
newInstance(String, String, String, List<String>, List<String>, boolean) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DelegationInfo
NONE - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CollectionType
NONE - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentType


open() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.FileResource
open() - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResource
open() - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.Resource
Opens this resource.
open(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.FileResourceSet
open(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResourceSet
open(String) - Method in interface eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.ResourceSet
Opens a resource in this resource set.
opposite() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Container
opposite() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Contains
opposite() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.SyncWith


padRight(int, int) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
padRight(String, int) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
PRIMITIVE - eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.PropType
primitiveToBoxedType(String) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
printStats(PrintWriter) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io.MemoryResourceSet
Prop - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
propertiesWithoutCollectionsBasedContainment(ModelType, List<Prop>) - Static method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
PropertyOrder - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 02.01.2017.
PropType - Enum in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.


ReadOnlyImplementation - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
ReadOnlyInterface - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
Required - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 02.01.2017.
resolveExternalType(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
resolveOppositeOf(ModelType, String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
Resolves the specified opposite property of the given model type.
resolveProp(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ModelType
resolveType(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Model
Resource - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io
ResourceSet - Interface in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.io


setCustomOrderIndex(Integer) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
Sets the requested customOrderIndex of this property.
setDefaultValueAsString(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Prop
setKey(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.AnnotationInfo
setValue(String) - Method in class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.AnnotationInfo
StringUtil - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
StringUtil() - Constructor for class eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.StringUtil
SyncInfo - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 06.01.2017.
SyncWith - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 20.03.17.


TypeUtil - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 21.03.2017.


value() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Annotation
value() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.Annotations
value() - Method in annotation type eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.DefaultValue
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CollectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.PropType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.CollectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.ContainmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.mihosoft.vmf.core.PropType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VMF - Class in eu.mihosoft.vmf
This class performs the code generation of a given VMF model.
VMFModel - Annotation Type in eu.mihosoft.vmf.core
Created by miho on 07.01.2017.
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All Classes All Packages