パッケージ eu.mulk.quarkus.googlecloud.jsonlogging

package eu.mulk.quarkus.googlecloud.jsonlogging
Provides structured logging to standard output according to the Google Cloud Logging specification.


This package contains a log formatter for JBoss Logging in the form of a Quarkus plugin that implements the Google Cloud Logging JSON format on standard output.

It is possible to log unstructured text, structured data, or a mixture of both depending on the situation.


Add the runtime POM to your dependency list. As long as the JAR is on the classpath at both build time and runtime, the log formatter automatically registers itself on startup.

Activation with Maven






Activation with Gradle

 dependencies {




Logging unstructured data requires no code changes. All logs are automatically converted to Google-Cloud-Logging-compatible JSON.

Structured data can be logged in one of 3 different ways: by passing Labels and StructuredParameters as parameters to individual log entries, by supplying LabelProviders and StructuredParameterProviders, or by using the Mapped Diagnostic Context.

Using Label and StructuredParameter

Instances of Label and StructuredParameter can be passed as log parameters to the *f family of logging functions on JBoss Logging's Logger.

Simple key–value pairs are represented by KeyValueParameter.


   "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
   Label.of("requestId", "123"),
   KeyValueParameter.of("resource", "/users/mulk"),
   KeyValueParameter.of("method", "PATCH"),
   KeyValueParameter.of("reason", "invalid token"));

   "jsonPayload": {
     "message": "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
     "resource": "/users/mulk",
     "method": "PATCH",
     "reason": "invalid token"
   "labels": {
     "requestId": "123"

Using LabelProvider and StructuredParameterProvider

Any CDI beans that implement LabelProviders and StructuredParameterProviders are discovered at build time and consulted to provide labels and parameters for each message that is logged. This can be used to provide contextual information such as tracing and request IDs stored in thread-local storage.


 public final class TraceLogParameterProvider implements StructuredParameterProvider, LabelProvider {

   public StructuredParameter getParameter() {
     var b = Json.createObjectBuilder();
     b.add("traceId", Span.current().getSpanContext().getTraceId());
     b.add("spanId", Span.current().getSpanContext().getSpanId());
     return () -> b;

   public Collection<Label> getLabels() {
     return List.of(Label.of("requestId", "123"));

   "jsonPayload": {
     "message": "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
     "traceId": "39f9a49a9567a8bd7087b708f8932550",
     "spanId": "c7431b14630b633d"
   "labels": {
     "requestId": "123"

Using the Mapped Diagnostic Context

Any key–value pairs in JBoss Logging's thread-local MDC are added to the resulting JSON.


 MDC.put("resource", "/users/mulk");
 MDC.put("method", "PATCH");
 logger.logf("Request rejected: unauthorized.");

   "jsonPayload": {
     "message": "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
     "resource": "/users/mulk",
     "method": "PATCH"