Interface IJdbcConnectionProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractJdbcConnectionProvider, HyperSqlFileJdbcConnectionProvider, HyperSqlServerJdbcConnectionProvider, MySql5JdbcConnectionProvider

public interface IJdbcConnectionProvider
An interface for generically providing JDBC connections. The intention of this interface is to encapsulate all database specific issues of constructing a URL or the driver name.

Clients of IJdbcConnectionProvider simply call getConnection(String, String, String, String, String, String...) in order to get a valid driver URL constructed and passed to DriverManager.

  • Method Details

    • getConnection

      Connection getConnection(String host, String port, String dbName, String dbLogin, String dbPassword, String... addOnArgs) throws SQLException
      Provide and open the connection for the given arguments.
      host - the host of the database
      port - the port of the database (some DB use names as port information)
      dbName - name of database
      dbLogin - database login
      dbPassword - database password
      addOnArgs - additional arguments to be processed by the driver
      an opened connection if successful
      SQLException - when the connection cannot be opened
    • getDbDriverClassName

      String getDbDriverClassName()
      Returns the class name of the database driver. The method shall return null in case of any errors.
      the dbDriverClassName
    • getDriverUrl

      String getDriverUrl(String host, String port, String dbName, String dbLogin, String dbPassword, String... addOnArgs)
      Constructs the driver's URL from the arguments. The method shall return null in case of any problems or throw an exception.
      host - the host of the database
      port - the port of the database (some DB use names as port information)
      dbName - name of database
      dbLogin - database login
      dbPassword - database password
      addOnArgs - additional arguments for the driver URL
      the URL for the driver or null