


package api

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AttributesMergingStrategy extends AnyRef


    A strategy to merge two sets of user attributes.

  2. sealed trait BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy extends SingleAttributeMergingStrategy


    A basic strategy to merge two attributes, not taking any period into account.

  3. case class DeleteUser(userId: UserId) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to delete the information about a user.

    A request to delete the information about a user.


    the identifier of the user

  4. case class DeleteUserAttribute(userId: UserId, attributeName: String) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to delete an attribute of a user.

    A request to delete an attribute of a user.


    the identifier of the user


    the name of the attribute

  5. case class GetIds(userId: UserId) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to fetch the set of ids associated with a given user

    A request to fetch the set of ids associated with a given user


    the id of the user to fetch the set of ids for

  6. case class GetIdsAndData(userId: UserId) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to retrieve the set of ids associated with a given user along with its attributes.

    A request to retrieve the set of ids associated with a given user along with its attributes.


    the id of the user to fetch the set of ids and attributes for

  7. case class GetIdsAndDataResponse(ids: Set[UserId], data: Option[UserData]) extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a GetIdsAndData request.

    The response for a GetIdsAndData request.


    the set of ids associated with the user


    the attributes and computed attributes values associated with the user wrapped in a Some if the user exists, None otherwise.

  8. case class GetIdsResponse(ids: Set[UserId]) extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a GetIds request.

  9. case class GetUser(userId: UserId) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to retrieve all attributes of a user.

    A request to retrieve all attributes of a user.


    the identifier of the user

  10. case class GetUserAttributeResponse(attributeValue: Option[JsValue]) extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a GetUserBaseAttribute or a GetUserComputedAttribute request.

    The response for a GetUserBaseAttribute or a GetUserComputedAttribute request.


    the attribute value for the requested key wrapped in a Some if the user and the attribute exists, None otherwise

  11. case class GetUserBaseAttribute(userId: UserId, name: String) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to retrieve a single base attribute of a user.

    A request to retrieve a single base attribute of a user.


    the identifier of the user


    the name of the base attribute

  12. case class GetUserComputedAttribute(userId: UserId, name: String) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to retrieve a single computed attribute of a user.

    A request to retrieve a single computed attribute of a user.


    the identifier of the user


    the name of the computed attribute

  13. case class GetUserResponse(data: Option[UserData]) extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a GetUser request.

    The response for a GetUser request.


    the attributes and computed attributes values associated with the user wrapped in a Some if the user exists, None otherwise.

  14. case class LinkUsers(userId1: UserId, userId2: UserId, source: Option[String]) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to link the two users.

    A request to link the two users.


    the identifier of the first user


    the identifier of the second user


    an optional source for the link

  15. case class PeriodicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy(period: FiniteDuration, strategy: BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy) extends SingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    A strategy to merge two attributes in the provided period.

  16. case class ResetLinks(source: String) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to reset the links of a given source.

    A request to reset the links of a given source.


    the source to be reset

  17. case class SetMergeStrategy(name: String, mergeStrategy: SingleAttributeMergingStrategy) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to set the merge strategy of a given base attribute.

    A request to set the merge strategy of a given base attribute.


    the name of the base attribute whose merge strategy is to be set


    the merge strategy to set for the attribute

  18. sealed trait SingleAttributeMergingStrategy extends AnyRef


    A strategy to merge two attributes.

  19. case class UpdateUser(userId: UserId, attributes: UserAttributes, mergeStrategy: AttributesMergingStrategy) extends UserProfileStorageRequest with Product with Serializable


    A request to update the information about a user.

    A request to update the information about a user.


    the identifier of the user


    the attributes to update the user with


    the strategy to use when merging the attributes

  20. case class UserAttributes(attributes: Map[String, JsValue]) extends Product with Serializable


    The attribute set of a user.

    The attribute set of a user.


    the map from attribute names to values

  21. case class UserData(baseAttributes: UserAttributes, computedAttributes: UserAttributes) extends Product with Serializable


    A structure containing all the attributes of a user.

    A structure containing all the attributes of a user.


    the base attribute set of the user


    the computed attributes of the user

  22. case class UserId(idType: String, id: String) extends Product with Serializable


    A fully qualified user identifier.

    A fully qualified user identifier.


    the type of identifier


    the identifier

  23. trait UserProfileStorageClient extends AnyRef


    Interface for clients capable of interacting with the User Profile Storage module by retrieving, updating or deleting information about users.

  24. sealed trait UserProfileStorageRequest extends AnyRef


    A request to be sent to the User Profile Storage module.

  25. sealed trait UserProfileStorageResponse extends AnyRef


    A response from the User Profile Storage module to a UserProfileStorageRequest.

Value Members

  1. object And extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that performs a boolean AND between both attribute values.

    Attribute merging strategy that performs a boolean AND between both attribute values. When merging two attributes, attribute values that are not BooleanAttrValues nor can't be directly converted to one are considered to be BooleanAttrValues with value true.

    NumericAttrValues with value different from 0 are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value true. NumericAttrValues with value equal to 0 are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value false. StringAttrValues with value "true" are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value true. StringAttrValues with value "false" are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value false. StringAttrValues whose value can be parsed to a Double follow the rules of the NumericAttrValue conversion enumerated above.

  2. object AttributesMergingStrategy

  3. object Concatenate extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that joins all the individual elements of both attribute values in a single array.

    Attribute merging strategy that joins all the individual elements of both attribute values in a single array. When merging two attributes, attribute values that are not ArrayAttrValues are converted to an ArrayAttrValue whose value is a sequence with a single element: the value of AttributeValue prior to the conversion.

  4. object DeleteUser extends Serializable

  5. object DeleteUserAttribute extends Serializable

  6. object DeleteUserAttributeResponse extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a DeleteUserAttribute request.

  7. object DeleteUserResponse extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a DeleteUser request.

  8. object GetIds extends Serializable

  9. object GetIdsAndData extends Serializable

  10. object GetIdsAndDataResponse extends Serializable

  11. object GetIdsResponse extends Serializable

  12. object GetUser extends Serializable

  13. object GetUserAttributeResponse extends Serializable

  14. object GetUserBaseAttribute extends Serializable

  15. object GetUserComputedAttribute extends Serializable

  16. object GetUserResponse extends Serializable

  17. object LinkUsers extends Serializable

  18. object LinkUsersResponse extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a LinkUsers request.

  19. object MapMerge extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that merges the attribute values, provided that they are both maps.

    Attribute merging strategy that merges the attribute values, provided that they are both maps. When conflicting keys arise, this merging strategy preferes the value of the most recently changed user. When merging two attributes, attribute values that are not MapAttrValues are considered to be MapAttrValue with a value of Map.empty.

  20. object Max extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that uses the max of both attribute values as the final one.

    Attribute merging strategy that uses the max of both attribute values as the final one. When merging two attributes, attribute values that are not NumericAttrValues nor can't be directly converted to one are considered to be NumericAttrValues with value Double.MinValue.

    StringAttrValues whose value can be parsed to a double can be converted to a NumericAttrValue. BooleanAttrValues with value false can be converted to a NumericAttrValue with value 0. BooleanAttrValues with value true can be converted to a NumericAttrValue with value 1.

  21. object MergeMergingStrategy extends AttributesMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Simple attributes merge strategy that updates the old attributes with the most recent ones.

    Simple attributes merge strategy that updates the old attributes with the most recent ones. Attributes that were only present in the old attributes are preserved. SingleAttributeMergingStrategys are applied for individual attributes when using this attributes merge strategy.

    Example: [(a, 1), (b, 1)] * [(a, 3), (c, 1)] = [(a, 3), (b, 1), (c, 1)]

  22. object Min extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that uses the min of both attribute values as the final one.

    Attribute merging strategy that uses the min of both attribute values as the final one. When merging two attributes, attribute values that are not NumericAttrValues nor can't be directly converted to one are considered to be NumericAttrValues with value Double.MaxValue.

    StringAttrValues whose value can be parsed to a double can be converted to a NumericAttrValue. BooleanAttrValues with value false can be converted to a NumericAttrValue with value 0. BooleanAttrValues with value true can be converted to a NumericAttrValue with value 1.

  23. object MostRecent extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that prefers the attribute value of the most recently changed user when merging attributes.

  24. object Older extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that prefers the attribute value of the least recently changed user when merging attributes.

  25. object Or extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that performs a boolean OR between both attribute values.

    Attribute merging strategy that performs a boolean OR between both attribute values. When merging two attributes, attribute values that are not BooleanAttrValues nor can't be directly converted to one are considered to be BooleanAttrValues with value false.

    NumericAttrValues with value different from 0 are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value true. NumericAttrValues with value equal to 0 are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value false. StringAttrValues with value "true" are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value true. StringAttrValues with value "false" are converted to BooleanAttrValues with value false. StringAttrValues whose value can be parsed to a Double follow the rules of the NumericAttrValue conversion enumerated above.

  26. object ReplaceMergingStrategy extends AttributesMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Simple attribute merge strategy that overwrites the old attributes with new attributes, removing all old attributes.

    Simple attribute merge strategy that overwrites the old attributes with new attributes, removing all old attributes.

    Example: [(a, 1), (b, 1)] * [(a, 3), (c, 1)] = [(a, 3), (c, 1)]

  27. object ResetLinks extends Serializable

  28. object ResetLinksResponse extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a ResetLinks request.

  29. object SetMergeStrategy extends Serializable

  30. object SetMergeStrategyResponse extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for a SetMergeStrategy request.

  31. object SingleAttributeMergingStrategy

  32. object Sum extends BasicSingleAttributeMergingStrategy with Product with Serializable


    Attribute merging strategy that sums both attribute values when merging attributes.

    Attribute merging strategy that sums both attribute values when merging attributes. When merging two attributes, attribute values that are not NumericAttrValues nor can't be directly converted to one are considered to be NumericAttrValues with value 0.

    StringAttrValues whose value can be parsed to a double can be converted to a NumericAttrValue. BooleanAttrValues with value false can be converted to a NumericAttrValue with value 0. BooleanAttrValues with value true can be converted to a NumericAttrValue with value 1.

  33. object UpdateUser extends Serializable

  34. object UpdateUserResponse extends UserProfileStorageResponse with Product with Serializable


    The response for an UpdateUser request.

  35. object UserAttributes extends Serializable

  36. object UserData extends Serializable

  37. object UserId extends Serializable

