

package internal

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class ApplyRefMPartiallyApplied[FTP] extends AnyRef

    Helper class that allows the types F, T, and P to be inferred from calls like api.RefType.applyRefM[F[T, P]](t).

  2. final class ApplyRefPartiallyApplied[FTP] extends AnyRef

    Helper class that allows the types F, T, and P to be inferred from calls like api.RefType.applyRef[F[T, P]](t).

  3. final class RefineMFullyApplied[F[_, _], T, P] extends AnyRef

  4. final class RefineMPartiallyApplied[F[_, _], P] extends AnyRef

    Helper class that allows the type T to be inferred from calls like api.RefType.refineM[P](t).

  5. final class RefinePartiallyApplied[F[_, _], P] extends AnyRef

    Helper class that allows the type T to be inferred from calls like api.RefType.refine[P](t).

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  2. object Resources
