Interface EJBMethodStats

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface EJBMethodStats
    extends Stats
    A Stats interface to represent the statistical data exposed by an EJB Business Method. These are based on the statistics exposed in S1AS7.0. All the EJB Methods should expose statistical data by implementing this interface.
    Muralidhar Vempaty, Kedar Mhaswade
    • Method Detail

      • getMethodStatistic

        TimeStatistic getMethodStatistic()
        Returns the statistics of the method invocation as an instance of TimeStatistic. Note that it returns the number of times the operation called, the total time that was spent during the invocation and so on. All the calculations of the statistic are being done over time.
        in instance of TimeStatistic
      • getTotalNumErrors

        CountStatistic getTotalNumErrors()
        Returns the total number of errors as a CountStatistic. It is upto the method implementor to characterize what an error is. Generally if an operation results in an exception, this count will increment by one.
        an instance of CountStatistic
      • getTotalNumSuccess

        CountStatistic getTotalNumSuccess()
        Returns the total number of successful runs, as a CountStatistic. It is upto the method implementor to characterize what a successful run is. Generally if an operation returns normally, this count will increment by one.
        an instance of CountStatistic
      • getExecutionTime

        CountStatistic getExecutionTime()
        Returns the time spent during the last successful/unsuccessful attempt to execute the operation, as a CountStatistic. The time spent is generally an indication of the system load/processing time.
        an instance of CountStatistic