Class PEDomainConfigValidator

  • public class PEDomainConfigValidator
    extends DomainConfigValidator
    This class defines the domain config entries that are required to create a PE Tomcat domain.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PEDomainConfigValidator

        public PEDomainConfigValidator()
        Creates a new instance of PEDomainConfigValidator
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public void validate​(Object domainConfig)
                      throws InvalidConfigException
        Description copied from class: DomainConfigValidator
        Validates the domainConfig. For each required domain config entry in the entries, gets the value from the domainConfig object and invokes the validator of that entry. Skips the validation of an entry if no validator is specified for that entry.
        validate in class DomainConfigValidator
        domainConfig - The domainConfig object that needs to be validated. A domainConfig object is valid if it
          is of type DomainConfig contains the required set of DomainConfig keys the value for each required key is valid.
        InvalidConfigException - If invalid domainConfig is supplied.
      • isValidate

        protected boolean isValidate​(String name,
                                     Object domainConfig)
        Description copied from class: DomainConfigValidator
        This method allows subclasses to say if an entry should be validated at all. This is an attempt to add some flexibility to the otherwise static validation. (Eg:- If we donot want to validate the ports during domain creation)
        Specified by:
        isValidate in class DomainConfigValidator