Interface FileArchive.StaleFileManager

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface FileArchive.StaleFileManager
    API which FileArchive methods should use for dealing with the StaleFileManager implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • isEntryValid

        boolean isEntryValid​(File f,
                             boolean isLogging)
        Returns whether the specified file is valid - that is, is dated after the archive was created.
        f - the file to check
        isLogging - whether to log a warning about the check of the entry
        true if the file is valid; false otherwise
      • isEntryValid

        boolean isEntryValid​(File f,
                             boolean isLogging,
                             Logger logger)
      • isEntryMarkerFile

        boolean isEntryMarkerFile​(File f)
        Returns whether the specified file is for the hidden timestamp file which FileArchive uses internally.
        f - the file to check
        true if the File is the hidden timestamp file; false otherwise
      • recordValidEntry

        void recordValidEntry​(File f)
      • recordDeletedEntry

        void recordDeletedEntry​(File f)
      • flush

        void flush()