Class ClusterCommandHelper

  • public class ClusterCommandHelper
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterCommandHelper

        public ClusterCommandHelper​(Domain domain,
                                    CommandRunner runner)
        Construct a ClusterCommandHelper
        domain - The Domain we are running in
        runner - A CommandRunner to use for running commands
    • Method Detail

      • runCommand

        public ActionReport runCommand​(String command,
                                       ParameterMap map,
                                       String targetName,
                                       AdminCommandContext context,
                                       boolean verbose)
                                throws CommandException
        Loop through all instances in a cluster and execute a command for each one.
        command - The string of the command to run. The instance name will be used as the operand for the command.
        map - A map of parameters to use for the command. May be null if no parameters. When the command is executed for a server instance, the instance name is set as the DEFAULT parameter (operand)
        targetName - The name of the cluster or deployment group containing the instances to run the command against.
        context - The AdminCommandContext to use when executing the command.
        verbose - true for more verbose output
        An ActionReport containing the results
      • runCommand

        public ActionReport runCommand​(String command,
                                       ParameterMap map,
                                       String targetName,
                                       AdminCommandContext context,
                                       boolean verbose,
                                       boolean rolling)
                                throws CommandException
        Loop through all instances in a cluster and execute a command for each one.
        command - The string of the command to run. The instance name will be used as the operand for the command.
        map - A map of parameters to use for the command. May be null if no parameters. When the command is executed for a server instance, the instance name is set as the DEFAULT parameter (operand)
        targetName - The name of the cluster or deployment group containing the instances to run the command against.
        context - The AdminCommandContext to use when executing the command.
        verbose - true for more verbose output
        rolling - Whether calls should be serialized to help with rolling restarts
        An ActionReport containing the results
      • optimizeServerListOrder

        public List<Server> optimizeServerListOrder​(List<Server> original)
        Optimize the order of the list of servers. Basically we want the server list to be ordered such that we rotate over the nodes. For example we want: n1, n2, n3, n1, n2, n3 not: n1, n1, n2, n2, n3, n3. This is to spread the load of operations across nodes.
        original - a list of servers
        a list of servers with a more optimal order