Class ContextServiceManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ContextServiceManager
    extends Object
    implements ResourceManager
    The context service manager allows you to create and delete the context-service config element
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContextServiceManager

        public ContextServiceManager()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public ResourceStatus create​(Resources resources,
                                     HashMap attributes,
                                     Properties properties,
                                     String target)
                              throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ResourceManager
        creates the resource as a child to the resources provided
        Specified by:
        create in interface ResourceManager
        resources - parent for the resource to be created
        attributes - resource configuration
        properties - properties
        target - target
        ResourceStatus indicating the status of resource creation
        Exception - when unable to create the resource
      • createConfigBean

        public Resource createConfigBean​(Resources resources,
                                         HashMap attributes,
                                         Properties properties,
                                         boolean validate)
                                  throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ResourceManager
        creates config-bean equivalent for the resource configuration provided as attributes and properties
        Does not persist the configuration
        Specified by:
        createConfigBean in interface ResourceManager
        resources - parent for the resource to be created
        attributes - attributes of the resource
        properties - properties of the resource
        validate - indicate whether config validation is required or not
        Config-Bean equivalent of the resource
        Exception - when unable to create config-bean-equivalent