Class ClassLoaderUtil

  • public class ClassLoaderUtil
    extends Object
    Provides utility functions related to URLClassLoaders or subclasses of it. W A R N I N G This class uses undocumented, unpublished, private data structures inside and sun.misc.URLClassPath. Use with extreme caution.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassLoaderUtil

        public ClassLoaderUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • releaseLoader

        public static void releaseLoader​(URLClassLoader classLoader)
        Releases resources held by the URLClassLoader. Notably, close the jars opened by the loader. This does not prevent the class loader from continuing to return classes it has already resolved.
        classLoader - the instance of URLClassLoader (or a subclass)
      • releaseLoader

        public static IOException[] releaseLoader​(URLClassLoader classLoader,
                                                  Vector<String> jarsClosed)
        Releases resources held by the URLClassLoader. Notably, close the jars opened by the loader. This does not prevent the class loader from continuing to return classes it has already resolved although that is not what we intend to happen. Initializes and updates the Vector of jars that have been successfully closed.

        Any errors are logged.

        classLoader - the instance of URLClassLoader (or a subclass)
        jarsClosed - a Vector of Strings that will contain the names of jars successfully closed; can be null if the caller does not need the information returned
        array of IOExceptions reporting jars that failed to close; null indicates that an error other than an IOException occurred attempting to release the loader; empty indicates a successful release; non-empty indicates at least one error attempting to close an open jar.