Class AuditModule

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AuditModule
    extends BaseAuditModule
    Base class that should be extended by all classes that wish to provide their own Audit support.

    Note that the methods inherited from BaseAuditModule are repeated here so developers see the whole API available to their custom AuditModule implementations by looking just at this one abstract class.

    Harpreet Singh
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuditModule

        public AuditModule()
    • Method Detail

      • webInvocation

        public void webInvocation​(String user,
                                  jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                  String type,
                                  boolean success)
        Invoked post web authorization request.
        user - the username for whom the authorization was performed
        req - the HttpRequest object for the web request
        type - the permission type, hasUserDataPermission or hasResourcePermission.
        success - the status of the web authorization request
      • ejbInvocation

        public void ejbInvocation​(String user,
                                  String ejb,
                                  String method,
                                  boolean success)
        Invoked post ejb authorization request.
        user - the username for whom the authorization was performed
        ejb - the ejb name for which this authorization was performed
        method - the method name for which this authorization was performed
        success - the status of the ejb authorization request
      • webServiceInvocation

        public void webServiceInvocation​(String uri,
                                         String endpoint,
                                         boolean success)
        Invoked during validation of the web service request
        uri - The URL representation of the web service endpoint
        endpoint - The name of the endpoint representation
        success - the status of the web service request validation
      • ejbAsWebServiceInvocation

        public void ejbAsWebServiceInvocation​(String endpoint,
                                              boolean success)
        Invoked during validation of the web service request
        endpoint - The representation of the web service endpoint
        success - the status of the web service request validation