Interface Cache

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(int maxEntries,
                  float loadFactor,
                  Properties props)
           throws Exception
        initialize the cache
        maxEntries - maximum number of entries expected in the cache
        loadFactor - the load factor
        props - opaque list of properties for a given cache implementation
        a - generic Exception if the initialization failed
      • init

        void init​(int maxEntries,
                  Properties props)
           throws Exception
        initialize the cache with the default load factor (0.75)
        maxEntries - maximum number of entries expected in the cache
        props - opaque list of properties for a given cache implementation
        a - generic Exception if the initialization failed
      • addCacheListener

        void addCacheListener​(CacheListener listener)
        add the cache module listener
        listener - CacheListener implementation
      • getIndex

        int getIndex​(Object key)
        get the index of the item given a key
        key - of the entry
        the index to be used in the cache
      • get

        Object get​(Object key)
        get the item stored at the key.
        key - lookup key
      • getAll

        Iterator getAll​(Object key)
        get all the items with the given key.
        key - lookup key
      • contains

        boolean contains​(Object key)
        check if the cache contains the item at the key
        key - lookup key
      • keys

        Iterator keys()
        get an Iterator for the keys stored in the cache
      • elements

        Enumeration elements()
        get an Enumeration for the keys stored in the cache
      • values

        Iterator values()
        get an Iterator for the values stored in the cache
      • put

        Object put​(Object key,
                   Object value)
        cache the given value at the specified key and return previous value
        key - lookup key
        object - item value to be stored
      • put

        Object put​(Object key,
                   Object value,
                   int size)
        cache the given value at the specified key and return previous value
        key - lookup key
        object - item value to be stored
        size - in bytes of the value being cached
      • add

        void add​(Object key,
                 Object value)
        add the given value to the cache at the specified key
        key - lookup key
        object - item value to be stored This function is suitable for multi-valued keys.
      • add

        void add​(Object key,
                 Object value,
                 int size)
        add the given value with specified size to the cache at specified key
        key - lookup key
        object - item value to be stored
        size - in bytes of the value being added This function is suitable for multi-valued keys.
      • remove

        Object remove​(Object key)
        remove the item with the given key.
        key - lookup key
      • remove

        Object remove​(Object key,
                      Object value)
        remove the given value stored at the key.
        key - lookup key
        value - to match (for multi-valued keys)
      • removeAll

        void removeAll​(Object key)
        remove all the item with the given key.
        key - lookup key
      • waitRefresh

        boolean waitRefresh​(int index)
        wait for a refresh on the object associated with the key
        index - index of the entry. The index must be obtained via one of the getIndex() methods.
      • notifyRefresh

        void notifyRefresh​(int index)
        notify threads waiting for a refresh on the object associated with the key
        index - index of the entry. The index must be obtained via one of the getIndex() methods.
      • clear

        int clear()
        clear all the entries from the cache.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        is this cache empty?
      • getEntryCount

        int getEntryCount()
        get the number of entries in the cache
        the number of entries the cache currently holds
      • getStatByName

        Object getStatByName​(String key)
        get the desired statistic counter
        key - to corresponding stat
        an Object corresponding to the stat See also: for the key
      • getStats

        Map getStats()
        get the stats snapshot
        a Map of stats See also: for the keys
      • clearStats

        void clearStats()
        clear all stats
      • trimExpiredEntries

        void trimExpiredEntries​(int maxCount)
        trim the expired entries from the cache.
        maxCount - maximum number of invalid entries to trim specify Integer.MAX_VALUE to trim all timedout entries This call is to be scheduled by a thread managed by the container.
      • destroy

        void destroy()
        Destroys this cache. This method should perform final clean ups.