Interface MonitoringLevelListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MonitoringLevelListener
    Implementation of this interface enables notifications to be received for change in monitoring level from a prior level to a new one. Monitoring levels are defined by the constants class MonitoringLevel and are currently defined as OFF, LOW and HIGH.
    Shreedhar Ganapathy
    • Method Detail

      • setLevel

        void setLevel​(MonitoringLevel level)
        Sets the monitoring level to a new level. Values are defined by MonitoringLevel.OFF, MonitoringLevel.LOW, and MonitoringLevel.High
        level - corresponding to MonitoringLevel OFF, LOW or HIGH
      • changeLevel

        void changeLevel​(MonitoringLevel from,
                         MonitoringLevel to,
                         Stats handback)
        Method to convey the change in monitoring level. It is a usual practice that various components may have single instance of listener to listen to the changes in monitoring-level for various registered Stats objects. This method gives a context for such components to be returned when it is called.
        from - the MonitoringLevel before the change
        to - the MonitoringLevel after the change
        handback - the Stats object that was passed to the registry during registration. It is guaranteed that it will be unchanged by monitoring framework.
      • changeLevel

        void changeLevel​(MonitoringLevel from,
                         MonitoringLevel to,
                         MonitoredObjectType type)
        Method to convey the change in monitoring level. The configuration of monitoring pertains to certain components like ejb-container, web-container, orb, transaction-service, connection-pools, thread-pools etc. The third parameter loosely corresponds to the configuration in domain.xml as follows:
        • connector-connection-pool : MonitoredObjectType#CONNECTOR_CONN_POOL
        • ejb-container : MonitoredObjectType#EJB
        • http-service, http-listeners etc. : MonitoredObjectType#HTTP_SERVICE
        • jdbc-connection-pool : MonitoredObjectType#JDBC_CONN_POOL
        • orb : MonitoredObjectType#ORB
        • thread-pool : MonitoredObjectType#THREAD_POOL
        • transaction-service : MonitoredObjectType#TRANSACTION_SERVICE
        • web-container : MonitoredObjectType#WEB_COMPONENT
        The core components are expected to follow the above. When the level changes through administrative interfaces, the notification is sent to the registered listeners for corresponding types and thus the dynamic reconfiguration is done.
        from - the MonitoringLevel before the change
        to - the MonitoringLevel after the change
        type - the MonitoredObjectType that had the level changed