Interface PWCConnectionQueueStats

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PWCConnectionQueueStats
    extends Stats
    ConnectionQueue information shows the number of sessions in the queue and the average delay before the connection is accepted
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        StringStatistic getId()
        Gets the ID of the connection queue
        The ID of the connection queue
      • getCountTotalConnections

        CountStatistic getCountTotalConnections()
        Gets the total number of connections that have been accepted.
        Total number of connections that have been accepted.
      • getCountQueued

        CountStatistic getCountQueued()
        Gets the number of connections currently in the queue
        Number of connections currently in the queue
      • getPeakQueued

        CountStatistic getPeakQueued()
        Gets the largest number of connections that were in the queue simultaneously.
        Largest number of connections that were in the queue simultaneously
      • getMaxQueued

        CountStatistic getMaxQueued()
        Gets the maximum size of the connection queue
        Maximum size of the connection queue
      • getCountOverflows

        CountStatistic getCountOverflows()
        Gets the number of times the queue has been too full to accommodate a connection
        Number of times the queue has been too full to accommodate a connection
      • getCountTotalQueued

        CountStatistic getCountTotalQueued()
        Gets the total number of connections that have been queued. A given connection may be queued multiple times, so counttotalqueued may be greater than or equal to counttotalconnections.
        Total number of connections that have been queued
      • getTicksTotalQueued

        CountStatistic getTicksTotalQueued()
        Gets the total number of ticks that connections have spent in the queue. A tick is a system-dependent unit of time.
        Total number of ticks that connections have spent in the queue
      • getCountQueued1MinuteAverage

        CountStatistic getCountQueued1MinuteAverage()
        Gets the average number of connections queued in the last 1 minute
        Average number of connections queued in the last 1 minute
      • getCountQueued5MinuteAverage

        CountStatistic getCountQueued5MinuteAverage()
        Gets the average number of connections queued in the last 5 minutes
        Average number of connections queued in the last 5 minutes
      • getCountQueued15MinuteAverage

        CountStatistic getCountQueued15MinuteAverage()
        Gets the average number of connections queued in the last 15 minutes
        Average number of connections queued in the last 15 minutes