Class RangeStatisticImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, RangeStatistic, Statistic

    public final class RangeStatisticImpl
    extends StatisticImpl
    implements RangeStatistic
    An implementation of a RangeStatistic. All instances of this class are immutable. Provides all the necessary accessors for properties.
    Muralidhar Vempaty, Kedar Mhaswade
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RangeStatisticImpl

        public RangeStatisticImpl​(long curVal,
                                  long highMark,
                                  long lowMark,
                                  String name,
                                  String unit,
                                  String desc,
                                  long startTime,
                                  long sampleTime)
        Constructs an immutable instance of RangeStatistic.
        curVal - The current value of this statistic
        highMark - The highest value of this statistic, since measurement started
        lowMark - The lowest value of this statistic, since measurement started
        name - The name of the statistic
        unit - The unit of measurement for this statistic
        desc - A brief description of the statistic
        startTime - Time in milliseconds at which the measurement was started
        sampleTime - Time at which the last measurement was done.
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrent

        public long getCurrent()
        Returns the current value of this statistic.
        Specified by:
        getCurrent in interface RangeStatistic
        long indicating the current value
      • getHighWaterMark

        public long getHighWaterMark()
        Returns the highest value of this statistic, since measurement started.
        Specified by:
        getHighWaterMark in interface RangeStatistic
        long indicating high water mark
      • getLowWaterMark

        public long getLowWaterMark()
        Returns the lowest value of this statistic, since measurement started.
        Specified by:
        getLowWaterMark in interface RangeStatistic
        long indicating low water mark