Class TimeStatisticImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeStatisticImpl

        public TimeStatisticImpl​(String name)
      • TimeStatisticImpl

        public TimeStatisticImpl​(String name,
                                 String unit)
      • TimeStatisticImpl

        public TimeStatisticImpl​(String name,
                                 String unit,
                                 String desc)
        Constructs an immutable instance of TimeStatistic.
        name - The name of the statistic
        unit - The unit of measurement for this statistic
        desc - A brief description of the statistic
      • TimeStatisticImpl

        public TimeStatisticImpl​(long counter,
                                 long maximumTime,
                                 long minimumTime,
                                 long totalTime,
                                 String name,
                                 String unit,
                                 String desc,
                                 long startTime,
                                 long sampleTime)
        use the other TimeStatisticImpl constructors. Counter, maxtime, mintime, totaltime, starttime last sampletime are automatically calculated at the first measurement.
        Constructs an immutable instance of TimeStatistic.
        counter - The number of times an operation has been invoked since measurement started
        maximumTime - The maximum time it took to complete one invocation of an operation, since the measurement started
        minimumTime - The minimum time it took to complete one invocation of an opeation, since the measurement started
        totalTime - The total amount of time spent in all invocations, over the duration of the measurement
        name - The name of the statistic
        unit - The unit of measurement for this statistic
        desc - A brief description of the statistic
        startTime - Time in milliseconds at which the measurement was started
        sampleTime - Time at which the last measurement was done.
    • Method Detail

      • getCount

        public long getCount()
        Returns the number of times an operation was invoked
        Specified by:
        getCount in interface TimeStatistic
        long indicating the number of invocations
      • getMaxTime

        public long getMaxTime()
        Returns the maximum amount of time that it took for one invocation of an operation, since measurement started.
        Specified by:
        getMaxTime in interface TimeStatistic
        long indicating the maximum time for one invocation
      • getMinTime

        public long getMinTime()
        Returns the minimum amount of time that it took for one invocation of an operation, since measurement started.
        Specified by:
        getMinTime in interface TimeStatistic
        long indicating the minimum time for one invocation
      • getTotalTime

        public long getTotalTime()
        Returns the amount of time that it took for all invocations, since measurement started.
        Specified by:
        getTotalTime in interface TimeStatistic
        long indicating the total time for all invocation