Class ChangeMasterPasswordCommand

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ChangeMasterPasswordCommand
    extends CLICommand
    The change-master-password command. This is a command which can operate on both the DAS and the node The master password is the password that is used to encrypt the DAS (and instances) keystore. Therefore the DAS and associated server instances need the password to open the keystore at startup. The master password is the same for the DAS and all instances in the domain The default master password is "changeit"and can be saved in a master-password file: 1. DAS: domains/domainname/master-password 2. Instance: nodes/node-name/master-password The master-password may be changed on the DAS by running change-master-password. The DAS must be down to run this command. change-master-password supports the --savemasterpassword option. To change the master-password file on a node you run change-master-password with --nodedir and the node name. The instances must be down to run this command on a node If --nodedir is not specified it will look in the default location of nodes folder and find the node If the domain and node have the same name it will execute the command for the domain. Incase you want the command to be executed for a node when the domain and node name is same you will need to specify the --nodedir option
    Bhakti Mehta
    • Field Detail

      • nodeDir

        protected String nodeDir
      • domainDirParam

        protected String domainDirParam
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeMasterPasswordCommand

        public ChangeMasterPasswordCommand()
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public int execute​(String... args)
                    throws CommandException
        Description copied from class: CLICommand
        Execute this command with the given arguemnts. The implementation in this class saves the passed arguments in the argv field and calls the initializePasswords method. Then it calls the prepare, parse, and validate methods, finally returning the result of calling the executeCommand method. Note that argv[0] is the command name.
        execute in class CLICommand
        args - Arguments to execute command with
        exit code of the command
        CommandException - if execution of the command fails
        CommandValidationException - if there's something wrong with the options or arguments