Class PEDomainsManager

    • Field Detail


        public static final String PROFILEPROPERTY_DOMAINXML_STYLESHEETS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROFILEPROPERTY_DOMAINXML_TOKENVALUES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • PEDomainsManager

        public PEDomainsManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getDomainFlags

        public BitSet getDomainFlags()
        Description copied from interface: DomainsManager
        In SE/EE we need an admin user/password that the DAS can use to authenticate to Node Agents and servers in the domain. This is not the case in PE; hence this flag -- DomainConfig.K_FLAG_START_DOMAIN_NEEDS_ADMIN_USER In SE/EE we need an extra non secure http port to host the Lockhart components which is controlled by -- DomainConfig.K_FLAG_CREATE_DOMAIN_NEEDS_ALTERNATE_ADMIN_PORT
        Specified by:
        getDomainFlags in interface DomainsManager
        flags toggling SE/EE specific behavior.
      • deleteDomain

        public void deleteDomain​(DomainConfig domainConfig)
                          throws DomainException
        Description copied from interface: DomainsManager
        Deletes a domain identified by the given name. (Should we stop the DAS and instances administered by this domain before deleting the domain?)
        Specified by:
        deleteDomain in interface DomainsManager
        DomainException - This exception is thrown if
          - the domain does not exist. - an exception occurred while deleting the domain.
      • getDomainUser

        protected static String getDomainUser​(DomainConfig domainConfig)
        Returns the domain user from the domainConfig.
        domainConfig - that represents the domain configuration
        String representing the domain user if the given map contains it, null otherwise
      • getDomainPasswordClear

        protected static String getDomainPasswordClear​(DomainConfig domainConfig)
        Returns the domain user's password in cleartext from the domainConfig.
        domainConfig - that represents the domain configuration
        String representing the domain user password if the given map contains it, null otherwise
      • getMasterPasswordClear

        protected static String getMasterPasswordClear​(DomainConfig domainConfig)
      • getNewMasterPasswordClear

        protected static String getNewMasterPasswordClear​(DomainConfig domainConfig)
      • saveMasterPassword

        protected static boolean saveMasterPassword​(DomainConfig domainConfig)
      • getExtraPasswordOptions

        public String[] getExtraPasswordOptions​(DomainConfig config)
                                         throws DomainException
        Description copied from interface: DomainsManager
        SE/EE supports NSS as its native SSL database.NSS is capable of supporting multiple slots (e.g.for different SSL hardware devices, smartcards, etc).Each device needs a specific password which the CLI must prompt for.
        Specified by:
        getExtraPasswordOptions in interface DomainsManager
        config - the config to get the options from
        the extra options
        DomainException - if an error occurred