Interface StringSubstitutor

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface StringSubstitutor
    An object which allows to set the custom behaviour for string substitution operation and facilitate String substitution process.

    String substitution is a process of substituting a string in a file with another string.

    • Method Detail

      • setAttributePreprocessor

        void setAttributePreprocessor​(AttributePreprocessor attributePreprocessor)
        Set's the AttributePreprocessor to customize the substitution process. Attribute preprocessor takes care to retrieve the value of substitutable key.
        attributePreprocessor - Custom implementation of AttributePreprocessor
      • setEntryFactory

        void setEntryFactory​(SubstitutableFactory factory)
        Set's a factory which can process a FileEntry or an Archive entry to retrieve all the Substitutable entries.
        factory -
      • setFileBackupLocation

        void setFileBackupLocation​(File backupLocation)
        TODO: Missing Implementation
        backupLocation -
      • getDefaultProperties

        List<com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.xml.stringsubs.Property> getDefaultProperties​(com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.xml.stringsubs.PropertyType type)
        Gets the default Property for the given PropertyType, If the property type is null then all the default properties will be returned.
        type - The type for which default properties has to be retrieved.
        List of default properties or empty list if no property found.
      • getStringSubsDefinition

        com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.xml.stringsubs.StringsubsDefinition getStringSubsDefinition()
        Gets the string-subs definition object. A StringSubsDefiniton object contains the details of component, groups and files used in substitution.

        NOTE: This object is updateable.

        Parsed string-subs configuration object.
      • substituteComponents

        void substituteComponents​(List<String> components)
                           throws StringSubstitutionException
        Performs string substitution for give components.
        components - List of Component identifiers for which the string substitution has to be performed.
        StringSubstitutionException - If any error occurs during substitution.
      • substituteGroups

        void substituteGroups​(List<String> groups)
                       throws StringSubstitutionException
        Performs string substitution for give groups.
        groups - List of Group identifiers for which the string substitution has to be performed.
        StringSubstitutionException - If any error occurs during substitution.