Class AttributePreprocessorImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • AttributePreprocessorImpl

        public AttributePreprocessorImpl​(Map<String,​String> lookUpMap)
    • Method Detail

      • substituteBefore

        public String substituteBefore​(String beforeValue)
        Description copied from interface: AttributePreprocessor
        Process the before value of the change-pair element and retrieve its value.

        Note: A change-pair element is a macro definition that specifies the string to be substituted ("before") and the replacement ("after") value.
        E.g. <change-pair id="pair1" before="@JAVA_HOME" after="$JAVA_HOME$"/>

        Specified by:
        substituteBefore in interface AttributePreprocessor
        beforeValue - The before value of change-pair.
        Substituted String.
        See Also:
      • substituteAfter

        public String substituteAfter​(String afterValue)
        Description copied from interface: AttributePreprocessor
        Process the after value of the change-pair element and retrieve its value.

        Note: A change-pair element is a macro definition that specifies the string to be substituted ("before") and the replacement ("after") value.
        E.g. <change-pair id="pair1" before="@JAVA_HOME" after="$JAVA_HOME$"/>

        Specified by:
        substituteAfter in interface AttributePreprocessor
        afterValue - The after value of change-pair.
        Substituted String.
        See Also:
      • substitutePath

        public String substitutePath​(String path)
        Description copied from interface: AttributePreprocessor
        Process the file name/member entry path. The name value of file-entry can contain the substitutable variable for e.g.

        <file-entry name="$DOMAIN_DIRECTORY$/start.cmd"/>

        Path pointing to the domain directory. The value of these variable will be retrieved.

        Note: A file-entry defines a text file or set of files where substitution has to be performed.

        Specified by:
        substitutePath in interface AttributePreprocessor
        path - The file path.
        Substituted String.
        See Also: