Class NamedResourceManager

  • @Service
    public class NamedResourceManager
    extends Object
    Records classes that are annotated as NamedResources and specific instances of such classes.

    The NamedResource support mimics some of what's provided by the ConfigBean implementation in hk2, primarily for security authorization support. Developers annotate a POJO class with @NamedResource. If the class is a singleton (as the top-level Domain interface is in the config structure) no further annos are needed on the class. If the class can have multiple occurrences then each instance will need a unique identifier and the developer annotates that field on the class with @NamedResource.ID.

    When some code has fully populated an instance of such a @NamedResource class it invokes the #prepare(java.lang.Object) method, passing the just-created object. The manager records the new instance and its named resource children, primarily so that authorization-related annotations such as @AccessRequired.To can refer to such an object. The secure admin infrastructure can then automatically determine the resource name for that instance for use in authorization checks.

    The named resource POJO class can have fields that point to other named resource classes or fields that are collections or arrays of named resource classes.
