Class ConfigBeanDefaultValue

  • public class ConfigBeanDefaultValue
    extends Object
    Carries the default configuration values for a ConfigBeanProxy
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigBeanDefaultValue

        public ConfigBeanDefaultValue​(String location,
                                      String configBeanClassName,
                                      String xmlConfiguration,
                                      boolean replaceCurrentIfExists,
                                      List<ConfigCustomizationToken> customizationTokens)
        Type Parameters:
        U - Type of the config bean which is an extension of ConfigBeanProxy
        location - the location of the config bean which this configuration is intended to create
        configBeanClassName - what is the type of the config bean this configuration is intended for
        xmlConfiguration - the XML snippet that represent the mentioned configuration. The XML snippet should be a valid config bean configuration
        replaceCurrentIfExists - should this config bean replace an already existing one or not. Note that, this parameter will be processed only if the configuration is intended for a named configuration element. The other condition for the replace to happen is that this configuration get the chance to be processed which means it should be part of an array of config beans intended for a service that has no configuration present in the domain.xml
        customizationTokens -
      • ConfigBeanDefaultValue

        public ConfigBeanDefaultValue​(String location,
                                      String configBeanClassName,
                                      InputStream xmlSnippetFileInputStream,
                                      boolean replaceCurrentIfExists,
                                      List<ConfigCustomizationToken> customizationTokens)
                               throws Exception
        Type Parameters:
        U - Type of the config bean which is an extension of ConfigBeanProxy
        location - the location of the config bean which this configuration is intended to create
        configBeanClassName - what is the type of the config bean this configuration is intended for
        xmlSnippetFileInputStream - An InputStream for the actual configuration which might be a file or anything other InputStream to read the configuration from.
        replaceCurrentIfExists - should this config bean replace an already existing one or not. Note that, this parameter will be processed only if the configuration is intended for a named configuration element. The other condition for the replace to happen is that this configuration get the chance to be processed which means it should be part of an array of config beans intended for a service that has no configuration present in the domain.xml
        customizationTokens -
        Exception - If the stream is not readable or closing the stream throws exception constructor will fail with the exception.
      • ConfigBeanDefaultValue

        public ConfigBeanDefaultValue()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocation

        public String getLocation()
      • getXmlConfiguration

        public String getXmlConfiguration()
      • getConfigBeanClassName

        public String getConfigBeanClassName()
      • replaceCurrentIfExists

        public boolean replaceCurrentIfExists()
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(String location)
      • setXmlConfiguration

        public void setXmlConfiguration​(String xmlConfiguration)
      • setConfigBeanClassName

        public void setConfigBeanClassName​(String configBeanClassName)
      • setReplaceCurrentIfExists

        public void setReplaceCurrentIfExists​(boolean replaceCurrentIfExists)