Class InboundRecoveryHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • InboundRecoveryHandler

        public InboundRecoveryHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • loadXAResourcesAndItsConnections

        public void loadXAResourcesAndItsConnections​(List xaresList,
                                                     List connList)
        load xa-resource instances for recovery
        Specified by:
        loadXAResourcesAndItsConnections in interface RecoveryResourceHandler
        xaresList - List of xa-resources, populate it with the xa-capable resources that needs recovery
        connList - populate it with connections used to provide these xa-resources, if any. Transaction-recovery will call close the connections in connList once recovery is over.
      • closeConnections

        public void closeConnections​(List connList)
        close the connections that were used to provide xa-resources for recovery
        Specified by:
        closeConnections in interface RecoveryResourceHandler
        connList - list of connections