Class RarHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RarHandler
    extends AbstractArchiveHandler
    Archive handler for resource-adapters
    Jagadish Ramu
    • Constructor Detail

      • RarHandler

        public RarHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • getArchiveType

        public String getArchiveType()
        This method is semantically equivalent to ArchiveDetector.getArchiveType() except that this method returns string equivalent of ArchiveType because of backward compatibility reasons.
        the type of the archive or deployment unit handled by this handler
        See Also:
      • handles

        public boolean handles​(ReadableArchive archive)
                        throws IOException
        Returns true if this handler understands the specified archive and can process it.
        IOException - The implementation of this method is expected to interact with the given archive, and if methods on ReadableArchive throws an IOException, it can be simply tunneled to the caller.
      • getClassLoader

        public ClassLoader getClassLoader​(ClassLoader parent,
                                          DeploymentContext context)
        Creates a classloader that can load code from inside the archive.
        parent - The newly created classloader to be returned must eventually delegate to this classloader. (This classloader is capable of resolving APIs and other things that the container