Class MCFConfigParserImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ConnectorConfigParser, MCFConfigParser

    public class MCFConfigParserImpl
    extends Object
    implements MCFConfigParser
    This is managed connection factory configuration parser. It parses the ra.xml file for the managed connection factory specific configurations like managed connection factory javabean properties .
    Srikanth P
    • Constructor Detail

      • MCFConfigParserImpl

        public MCFConfigParserImpl()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getJavaBeanProps

        public Properties getJavaBeanProps​(ConnectorDescriptor desc,
                                           String connectionDefName,
                                           String rarName)
                                    throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        Parses the ra.xml for the managed connection factory javabean properties. The managed connection factory to be parsed is identified by the moduleDir where ra.xml is present and the connection definition name . Connection definition name will be unique in a given ra.xml. It throws ConnectorRuntimeException if either or both the parameters are null, if corresponding rar is not deployed, if no connection definition name is found in ra.xml. If rar is deployed and connection definition name is present but no properties are present for the corresponding connection definition name, null is returned.
        Specified by:
        getJavaBeanProps in interface ConnectorConfigParser
        desc - ConnectorDescriptor pertaining to rar.
        connectionDefName - connection definition name which is unique across all the elements in a given rar.
        Javabean properties with the propety names and values of propeties. The property values will be the values mentioned in ra.xml if present. Otherwise it will be the default values obtained by introspecting the javabean. In both the case if no value is present, empty String is returned as the value.
        ConnectorRuntimeException - if either of the parameters are null. If corresponding rar is not deployed i.e moduleDir is invalid. If no connection definition name is found in ra.xml