Interface MessageListenerConfigParser

    • Method Detail

      • getActivationSpecClass

        String getActivationSpecClass​(ConnectorDescriptor desc,
                                      String messageListenerType)
                               throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        Returns the ActivationSpecClass name for the given rar and message listener type.
        desc - ConnectorDescriptor pertaining to rar.
        messageListenerType - MessageListener type
        ConnectorRuntimeException - If rar is not exploded or incorrect ra.xml
      • getJavaBeanReturnTypes

        Properties getJavaBeanReturnTypes​(ConnectorDescriptor desc,
                                          String messageListenerType,
                                          String rarName)
                                   throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        Returns the Properties object consisting of PropertyName as the key and the datatype as the value
        desc - ConnectorDescriptor pertaining to rar.
        messageListenerType - message listener type.It is uniqie across all sub-elements in element in a given rar.
        properties object with the property names(key) and datatype of property(as value).
        ConnectorRuntimeException - if either of the parameters are null. If corresponding rar is not deployed i.e moduleDir is invalid. If messagelistener type is not found in ra.xml