Class InjectionManagerImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    InjectionManager, org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct

    public class InjectionManagerImpl
    extends Object
    implements InjectionManager, org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct
    Implementation of InjectionManager.
    Kenneth Saks
    • Constructor Detail

      • InjectionManagerImpl

        public InjectionManagerImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • postConstruct

        public void postConstruct()
        Specified by:
        postConstruct in interface org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct
      • injectInstance

        public void injectInstance​(Object instance)
                            throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the given object instance with the resources from its component environment. The applicable component naming environment information will be retrieved from the current invocation context. Any @PostConstruct methods on the instance's class(and super-classes) will be invoked after injection.
        Specified by:
        injectInstance in interface InjectionManager
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • injectInstance

        public void injectInstance​(Object instance,
                                   boolean invokePostConstruct)
                            throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the given object instance with the resources from its component environment. The applicable component naming environment information will be retrieved from the current invocation context. If invokePostConstruct is true, any @PostConstruct methods on the instance's class(and super-classes) will be invoked after injection.
        Specified by:
        injectInstance in interface InjectionManager
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • injectInstance

        public void injectInstance​(Object instance,
                                   JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv)
                            throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the injectable resources from the given component environment into an object instance. The specified componentEnv must match the environment that is associated with the component on top of the invocation stack at the time this method is invoked. Any @PostConstruct methods on the instance's class(and super-classes) will be invoked after injection.
        Specified by:
        injectInstance in interface InjectionManager
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • injectInstance

        public void injectInstance​(Object instance,
                                   JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv,
                                   boolean invokePostConstruct)
                            throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the injectable resources from the given component environment into an object instance. The specified componentEnv must match the environment that is associated with the component on top of the invocation stack at the time this method is invoked.
        Specified by:
        injectInstance in interface InjectionManager
        invokePostConstruct - if true, invoke any @PostConstruct methods on the instance's class(and super-classes) after injection.
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • injectInstance

        public void injectInstance​(Object instance,
                                   String componentId,
                                   boolean invokePostConstruct)
                            throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the injectable resources for the given component id into an object instance.
        Specified by:
        injectInstance in interface InjectionManager
        invokePostConstruct - if true, invoke any @PostConstruct methods on the instance's class(and super-classes) after injection.
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • injectClass

        public void injectClass​(Class clazz,
                                String componentId,
                                boolean invokePostConstruct)
                         throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the injectable resources from the given component id into a Class instance. Only class-level(static) fields/methods are supported. E.g., this injection operation would be used for the Application Client Container main class.
        Specified by:
        injectClass in interface InjectionManager
        invokePostConstruct - if true, invoke any @PostConstruct methods on the class(and super-classes) after injection.
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • injectClass

        public void injectClass​(Class clazz,
                                JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv)
                         throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the injectable resources from the given component environment into a Class instance. Only class-level(static) fields/methods are supported. E.g., this injection operation would be used for the Application Client Container main class. Any @PostConstruct methods on the class(and super-classes) will be invoked after injection.
        Specified by:
        injectClass in interface InjectionManager
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • injectClass

        public void injectClass​(Class clazz,
                                JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv,
                                boolean invokePostConstruct)
                         throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Inject the injectable resources from the given component environment into a Class instance. Only class-level(static) fields/methods are supported. E.g., this injection operation would be used for the Application Client Container main class.
        Specified by:
        injectClass in interface InjectionManager
        invokePostConstruct - if true, invoke any @PostConstruct methods on the class(and super-classes) after injection.
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs during injection
      • invokeInstancePreDestroy

        public void invokeInstancePreDestroy​(Object instance,
                                             boolean validate)
                                      throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Invoke any @PreDestroy methods defined on the instance's class (and super-classes). Invocation information will be retrieved from the current component invocation context.
        Specified by:
        invokeInstancePreDestroy in interface InjectionManager
        validate - if false, do nothing if the instance is not registered
        InjectionException - Thrown if an error occurs
      • createManagedObject

        public <T> T createManagedObject​(Class<T> clazz)
                                  throws InjectionException
        Create a managed object for the given class. The object will be injected and any PostConstruct methods will be called. The returned object can be cast to the clazz type but is not necessarily a direct reference to the managed instance. All invocations on the returned object should be on its public methods. It is the responsibility of the caller to destroy the returned object by calling destroyManagedObject(Object managedObject).
        Specified by:
        createManagedObject in interface InjectionManager
        clazz - Class to be instantiated
        managed object
      • createManagedObject

        public <T> T createManagedObject​(Class<T> clazz,
                                         boolean invokePostConstruct)
                                  throws InjectionException
        Create a managed object for the given class. The object will be injected and if invokePostConstruct is true, any @PostConstruct methods on the instance's class(and super-classes) will be invoked after injection. The returned object can be cast to the clazz type but is not necessarily a direct reference to the managed instance. All invocations on the returned object should be on its public methods. It is the responsibility of the caller to destroy the returned object by calling destroyManagedObject(Object managedObject).
        Specified by:
        createManagedObject in interface InjectionManager
        clazz - Class to be instantiated
        invokePostConstruct - if true, invoke any @PostConstruct methods on the instance's class(and super-classes) after injection.
        managed object
      • destroyManagedObject

        public void destroyManagedObject​(Object managedObject,
                                         boolean validate)
                                  throws InjectionException
        Destroy a managed object that was created via createManagedObject. Any PreDestroy methods will be called.
        Specified by:
        destroyManagedObject in interface InjectionManager
        managedObject -
        validate - if false, do nothing if the instance is not registered
      • inject

        public void inject​(Class clazz,
                           Object instance,
                           JndiNameEnvironment envDescriptor,
                           String componentId,
                           boolean invokePostConstruct)
                    throws InjectionException
        Description copied from interface: InjectionManager
        Perform injection.
        Specified by:
        inject in interface InjectionManager
        instance - Target instance for injection, or null if injection is class-based. Any error encountered during any portion of injection is propagated immediately.
        clazz - The class of the instance to perform injection. This is needed b/c of static injection.
        envDescriptor - The descriptor containing the injection information.
        componentId - The id of the component in whose jndi environment injection actually occurs. Null indicates the current jndi environment.
        invokePostConstruct - if true, invoke any @PostConstruct methods