Interface IndirectlySerializable

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    EJBLocalHomeImpl, EJBLocalHomeInvocationHandler, EJBLocalObjectImpl, EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandler, EntityBeanLocalHomeImpl, ReadOnlyEJBLocalHomeImpl, TimerWrapper

    public interface IndirectlySerializable
    An interface that allows Non-Serializable objects to be persisted. Any non serializable object that needs to be persisted needs to implement this interface. The getSerializableObjectFactory() method will be called to get a SerilizableObjectFactory that can be persisted. The SerializableObjectFactory can later be de-serialized and the createObject() will be invoked to get the original Non-Serializable object. It is assumed that the SerializableObjectFactory contains enough data that can be used to restore the original state of the object that existed at the time of Serilization
    Mahesh Kannan