Class FileArchive.StaleFileManager.Util

    • Constructor Detail

      • Util

        public Util()
    • Method Detail

      • markDeletedArchive

        public static void markDeletedArchive​(Archive archive)
        Creates a marker file in the archive directory - if it still exists and contains any stale files.
        archive - the File for the archive to mark
      • markDeletedArchive

        public static void markDeletedArchive​(File archiveFile)
        Creates a marker file in the archive directory - if it still exists and contains any stale files.
        archiveFile - the File for the archive to mark
      • getInstance

        public static FileArchive.StaleFileManager getInstance​(File archive)
                                                        throws IOException
        Factory method for a StaleFileManager.

        Callers should invoke this method only after they have finished with the FileArchive and have tried to delete it. If the directory for the archive remains then it contains one or more stale files that could not be deleted, and the factory method returns a instance that tracks the stale files. If the directory no longer exists then the delete succeeded, there are

        archive - the directory to contain the archive
        StaleFileManager for the FileArchive to use