Class FileArchive

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Archive, ReadableArchive, WritableArchive

    public class FileArchive
    extends AbstractReadableArchive
    implements WritableArchive
    This implementation of the Archive interface maps to a directory/file structure.

    If the directory underlying the FileArchive is created by GlassFish then FileArchive filters its contents so only those files more recent than the creation of the archive itself are visible to consumers.

    The main motivation is to hide unwanted "left-over" files from previous deployments that might linger, especially on Windows, after the previous app had been undeployed. (Deployment uses a FileArchive to extract the user's JAR-based archive into the applications directory.) Historically such left-over files arise after GlassFish expands an archive into its exploded form but then some code opens but does not close a file in that exploded directory tree.

    An open left-over file can be overwritten-in-place on Windows, and this happens when a caller invokes putNextEntry(java.lang.String) to create a new entry (file) inside the archive. But a left-over file that is not in the new app but is still open by GlassFish cannot be deleted or renamed on Windows and so it will remain in the expansion directory. Such left-over files, if not filtered out, can confuse GlassFish and the application. By "stamping" the archive creation date we can filter out such old, left-over files.

    To support this feature, when FileArchive creates a directory it stores a marker file there, the contents of which records the creation date/time of the archive. We cannot just use the lastModified value for the top-level directory. Users might legitimately use "touch .reload" in the applications/appName directory to trigger a dynamic reload of the app. If .reload does not already exist then touch creates it, and this would update the lastModified of the directory file.

    Jerome Dochez, Tim Quinn
    • Field Detail

      • deplLogger

        public static final Logger deplLogger
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileArchive

        public FileArchive()
    • Method Detail

      • delete

        public boolean delete()
        delete the archive
        Specified by:
        delete in interface ReadableArchive
      • isDirectory

        public boolean isDirectory​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: Archive
        Returns true if the entry is a directory or a plain file
        Specified by:
        isDirectory in interface Archive
        name - name is one of the entries returned by Archive.entries()
        true if the entry denoted by the passed name is a directory
      • entries

        public Enumeration<String> entries()
        Description copied from interface: Archive
        Returns an enumeration of the module file entries. All elements in the enumeration are of type String. Each String represents a file name relative to the root of the module.
        Specified by:
        entries in interface Archive
        an @see java.util.Enumeration of entries in this abstract archive
      • entries

        public Enumeration<String> entries​(Enumeration embeddedArchives)
        an @see java.util.Enumeration of entries in this abstract archive, providing the list of embedded archive to not count their entries as part of this archive
      • entries

        public Enumeration<String> entries​(String prefix)
        Returns an enumeration of the module file entries with the specified prefix. All elements in the enumeration are of type String. Each String represents a file name relative to the root of the module.
        Specified by:
        entries in interface Archive
        prefix - the prefix of entries to be included
        an enumeration of the archive file entries.
      • exists

        public boolean exists()
        Specified by:
        exists in interface ReadableArchive
        true if this archive exists
      • getSubArchive

        public ReadableArchive getSubArchive​(String name)
                                      throws IOException
        create or obtain an embedded archive within this abstraction.
        Specified by:
        getSubArchive in interface ReadableArchive
        name - name of the embedded archive.
        the Archive instance for this abstraction, or null if no such entry exists.
      • exists

        public boolean exists​(String name)
                       throws IOException
        Returns the existence of the given entry name The file name must be relative to the root of the module.
        Specified by:
        exists in interface ReadableArchive
        name - the file name relative to the root of the module.
        the existence the given entry name.
      • getEntry

        public InputStream getEntry​(String name)
                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ReadableArchive
        Returns the InputStream for the given entry name The file name must be relative to the root of the module.
        Specified by:
        getEntry in interface ReadableArchive
        name - the entry name
        a @see for an existing entry in the current abstract archive
      • getEntrySize

        public long getEntrySize​(String name)
        Returns the entry size for a given entry name or 0 if not known
        Specified by:
        getEntrySize in interface ReadableArchive
        name - the entry name
        the entry size
      • getManifest

        public Manifest getManifest()
                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Archive
        Returns the manifest information for this archive
        Specified by:
        getManifest in interface Archive
        the manifest information for this abstract archive
      • getURI

        public URI getURI()
        Returns the URI used to create or open the underlyong archive
        Specified by:
        getURI in interface Archive
        the URI for this archive.
      • renameTo

        public boolean renameTo​(String name)
        rename the archive
        Specified by:
        renameTo in interface ReadableArchive
        name - the archive name
      • supportsElementsOverwriting

        public boolean supportsElementsOverwriting()
        true if this archive abstraction supports overwriting of elements
      • deleteEntry

        public boolean deleteEntry​(String name)
        delete an entry in the archive
        name - the entry name
        true if the entry was successfully deleted
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name portion of the archive's URI.

        For FileArhive the name is all of the path that follows the last slash (ignoring a slash at the end of the path).

        Here are some example archive names for the specified FileArchive paths:

        • /a/b/c/d/ -> d
        • /a/b/c/d -> d
        • /a/b/c.jar -> c.jar
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Archive
        the name of the archive
      • clearCache

        public static void clearCache()
        Empty the cache of file entries This should be called at the end of deployment to ensure that it isn't retained if an application is redeployed and to clear up the memory