Class AppClientPersistenceDependencyAnnotationScanner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AppClientPersistenceDependencyAnnotationScanner
    extends AbstractAnnotationScanner
    Scans for annotations relevant to persistence units that indicate an app client depends on at least one persistence unit.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AppClientPersistenceDependencyAnnotationScanner

        public AppClientPersistenceDependencyAnnotationScanner()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected void init​(Set<String> annotationsSet)
        Description copied from class: AbstractAnnotationScanner
        Invoked so the concrete subclass can populate the annotations set.

        Concrete implementations of this method should add to the set one or more Strings corresponding to the annotations of interest.

        Specified by:
        init in class AbstractAnnotationScanner
        annotationsSet - the Set object to be populated