Interface DeploymentManager

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface DeploymentManager
    extends javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject distribute​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targetList, Archive moduleArchive, Archive deploymentPlan, Object deploymentOptions)
      The distribute method performs three tasks; it validates the deployment configuration data, generates all container specific classes and interfaces, and moves the fully baked archive to the designated deployment targets.
      WritableArchive getArchive​(URI path, String name)
      Creates a new instance of WritableArchive which can be used to store application elements in a layout that can be directly used by the application server.
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager

        createConfiguration, distribute, distribute, distribute, getAvailableModules, getCurrentLocale, getDConfigBeanVersion, getDefaultLocale, getNonRunningModules, getRunningModules, getSupportedLocales, getTargets, isDConfigBeanVersionSupported, isLocaleSupported, isRedeploySupported, redeploy, redeploy, release, setDConfigBeanVersion, setLocale, start, stop, undeploy
    • Method Detail

      • distribute

        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject distribute​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target[] targetList,
                                                                     Archive moduleArchive,
                                                                     Archive deploymentPlan,
                                                                     Object deploymentOptions)
                                                              throws IllegalStateException
        The distribute method performs three tasks; it validates the deployment configuration data, generates all container specific classes and interfaces, and moves the fully baked archive to the designated deployment targets.
        targetList - A list of server targets the user is specifying this application be deployed to.
        moduleArchive - The abstraction for the application archive to be disrtibuted.
        deploymentPlan - The archive containing the deployment configuration information associated with this application archive.
        deploymentOptions - is a JavaBeans compliant component containing all deployment options for this deployable unit. This object must be created using the BeanInfo instance returned by DeploymentConfiguration.getDeploymentOptions
        ProgressObject an object that tracks and reports the status of the distribution process.
        IllegalStateException - is thrown when the method is called when running in disconnected mode.
      • getArchive

        WritableArchive getArchive​(URI path,
                                   String name)
                            throws IOException
        Creates a new instance of WritableArchive which can be used to store application elements in a layout that can be directly used by the application server. Implementation of this method should carefully return the appropriate implementation of the interface that suits the server needs and provide the fastest deployment time. An archive may already exist at the location and elements may be read but not changed or added depending on the underlying medium.
        path - the directory in which to create this archive if local storage is a possibility.
        name - is the desired name for the archive
        the writable archive instance