Class OutBoundRANode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OutBoundRANode
    extends DeploymentDescriptorNode
    This node signifies the outbound-resourceadapter tag in Connector DTD
    Sheetal Vartak
    • Constructor Detail

      • OutBoundRANode

        public OutBoundRANode()
      • OutBoundRANode

        public OutBoundRANode​(XMLElement element)
    • Method Detail

      • createConDefDescriptorFor10

        public void createConDefDescriptorFor10()
        This method is required for 1.0 DTD so that there will be 1 instance of ConnectionDefDescriptor available I know that this constructor will be called only when it is a 1.0 DD dont want to rely on whether 1.0 or 1.5 spec version So this method is called when the ConnectorNode knows that it is for 1.0 DTD
      • getDispatchTable

        protected Map getDispatchTable()
        all sub-implementation of this class can use a dispatch table to map xml element to method name on the descriptor class for setting the element value.
        getDispatchTable in class DeploymentDescriptorNode
        the map with the element name as a key, the setter method as a value
      • writeDescriptor

        public Node writeDescriptor​(Node connectorNode,
                                    Descriptor descriptor)
        write the descriptor class to a DOM tree and return it
        parent - node for the DOM tree
        the - descriptor to write
        the DOM tree top node