Class EjbReferenceDescriptionNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • EjbReferenceDescriptionNode

        public EjbReferenceDescriptionNode()
    • Method Detail

      • getDispatchTable

        protected Map getDispatchTable()
        all sub-implementation of this class can use a dispatch table to map xml element to method name on the descriptor class for setting the element value.
        getDispatchTable in class DeploymentDescriptorNode<EjbReference>
        the map with the element name as a key, the setter method as a value
      • writeDescriptors

        public Node writeDescriptors​(Node parent,
                                     String nodeName,
                                     Descriptor parentDesc)
        write all occurrences of the descriptor corresponding to the current node from the parent descriptor to an JAXP DOM node and return it This API will be invoked by the parent node when the parent node writes out a mix of statically and dynamically registered sub nodes. This method should be overriden by the sub classes if it needs to be called by the parent node.
        writeDescriptors in class DeploymentDescriptorNode<EjbReference>
        parent - node in the DOM tree
        nodeName - the name of the node
        parentDesc - parent descriptor of the descriptor to be written
        the JAXP DOM node