Class BundleProvisioner.DefaultCustomizer

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class BundleProvisioner.DefaultCustomizer
    extends Object
    This is default implementation of BundleProvisioner.Customizer which uses the URI of the Jar as location. The default customizer uses following configuration properties:

    This contains white space delimited list of absolute URIs to be installed. If a URI represents a directory location, then it will be treated as if all the jar files from that directory location (non-recursive) were specified instead. Bundles will be installed in the same order they are specified. This contains white space delimited list of absolute URIs to be started. If a URI represents a directory location, then it will be treated as if all the jar files from that directory location (non-recursive) were specified instead. Although bundles will be started in the order they are specified in this list, their eventual activation order depends on start level and/or activation policy., where N is > 0 This contains list of bundle URIs to be started at start level N. This specifies the options used to start bundles. It is an integer and must confirm to the format accepted by Bundle.start(int) method. The default is to use Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY. It also means bundles will be started persistently by default. To start transiently, one has to specify explicitly.

    [email protected]
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultCustomizer

        public DefaultCustomizer​(Properties config)
    • Method Detail

      • getAutoInstallLocations

        public List<URI> getAutoInstallLocations()
      • getAutoStartLocations

        public List<URI> getAutoStartLocations()
      • getStartOptions

        public int getStartOptions()
      • makeLocation

        public String makeLocation​(com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.Jar jar)
      • isDirectory

        protected boolean isDirectory​(URI uri)
        Is this URI a directory?
        uri - URI to be checked
        true if this URI represents a directory, else false.
      • listJarFiles

        protected List<? extends URI> listJarFiles​(URI aDirectoryURI)
        aDirectoryURI - uri corresponding to a directory location which will be searched.
        URIs corresponding to jar files in a given directory location.
      • isManaged

        public boolean isManaged​(com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.Jar jar)
      • getStartLevel

        public Integer getStartLevel​(com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.Jar jar)
      • getConfiguredAutoInstallLocations

        protected List<URI> getConfiguredAutoInstallLocations()