Class CSIV2TaggedComponentInfo

  • public final class CSIV2TaggedComponentInfo
    extends Object
    This is the class that manages the CSIV2 tagged component information in the IORs. Note: For supporting FLOB in a cluster/EE mode we need to register the CSIV2TaggedComponentHandlerImpl with the GlassFishORBManager.
    Vivek Nagar, Harpreet Singh, Ken Cavanaugh
    • Field Detail


        public static final int SUPPORTED_IDENTITY_TOKEN_TYPES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CSIV2TaggedComponentInfo

        public CSIV2TaggedComponentInfo​(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb)
      • CSIV2TaggedComponentInfo

        public CSIV2TaggedComponentInfo​(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb,
                                        int sslMutualAuthPort)
    • Method Detail

      • getEjbDescriptor

        public EjbDescriptor getEjbDescriptor​(org.omg.PortableInterceptor.IORInfo iorInfo)
      • createSecurityTaggedComponent

        public org.omg.IOP.TaggedComponent createSecurityTaggedComponent​(int sslPort,
                                                                         EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor)
        Create the security mechanism list tagged component based on the deployer specified configuration information. This method is on the server side for all ejbs in the non-cluster app server case.
      • createSecurityTaggedComponent

        public org.omg.IOP.TaggedComponent createSecurityTaggedComponent​(List<> socketInfos,
                                                                         EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor)
        Create the CSIv2 tagged component for a clustered app server.
      • createSecurityTaggedComponent

        public org.omg.IOP.TaggedComponent createSecurityTaggedComponent​(int sslPort)
        This method is called on the server side for all non-EJB POAs.
      • getTargetSupports

        public int getTargetSupports​(EjbIORConfigurationDescriptor iorDescriptor)
        Get the value of target_supports for the transport layer.
      • getTargetRequires

        public int getTargetRequires​(EjbIORConfigurationDescriptor iorDescriptor)
        Get the value of target_requires for the transport layer.
      • allMechanismsRequireSSL

        public boolean allMechanismsRequireSSL​(Set iorDescSet)
        This method determines if all the mechanisms defined in the CSIV2 CompoundSecMechList structure require protected invocations.
      • getSecurityMechanisms

        public[] getSecurityMechanisms​( ior)
        Get the Compound security mechanism list from the given IOR.
        the - IOR.
        the array of compound security mechanisms.
      • getSSLInformation

        public getSSLInformation​( mech)
        Retrieve the SSL tagged component from the compound security mechanism.