Interface PoolLifeCycleListener

    • Method Detail

      • toString

        void toString​(StringBuilder stackTrace)
        Print stack trace in server.log
        stackTrace -
      • connectionAcquired

        void connectionAcquired​(long resourceHandleId)
        indicates that a connection is acquired by application
      • connectionRequestServed

        void connectionRequestServed​(long timeTakenInMillis)
        indicates that a connection request is server in the time
        timeTakenInMillis - time taken to serve a connection
      • connectionTimedOut

        void connectionTimedOut()
        indicates that a connection is timed-out
      • connectionNotMatched

        void connectionNotMatched()
        indicates that a connection under test does not match the current request
      • connectionMatched

        void connectionMatched()
        indicates that a connection under test matches the current request
      • connectionUsed

        void connectionUsed​(long resourceHandleId)
        indicates that a connection is being used
      • connectionDestroyed

        void connectionDestroyed​(long resourceHandleId)
        indicates that a connection is destroyed
      • connectionReleased

        void connectionReleased​(long resourceHandleId)
        indicates that a connection is released
      • connectionCreated

        void connectionCreated()
        indicates that a new connection is created
      • foundPotentialConnectionLeak

        void foundPotentialConnectionLeak()
        indicates that a potential connection leak happened
      • connectionValidationFailed

        void connectionValidationFailed​(int count)
        indicates that a number of connections have failed validation
        count - number of connections
      • connectionsFreed

        void connectionsFreed​(int count)
        indicates the number of connections freed to pool
        count - number of connections
      • decrementConnectionUsed

        void decrementConnectionUsed​(long resourceHandleId)
        indicates that connection count that is used has to be decremented.
      • decrementNumConnFree

        void decrementNumConnFree()
        indicates that free connections count in the pool has to be decremented.
      • incrementNumConnFree

        void incrementNumConnFree​(boolean beingDestroyed,
                                  int steadyPoolSize)
        indicates that a connection is freed and the count is to be incremented.
        beingDestroyed - in case of an error.
        steadyPoolSize -
      • connectionRequestQueued

        void connectionRequestQueued()
        indicates that the wait queue length has increased.
      • connectionRequestDequeued

        void connectionRequestDequeued()
        indicates that the wait queue length has decreased.