Class BaseCertificateLoginModule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class BaseCertificateLoginModule
    extends Object
    implements LoginModule
    Abstract base class for certificate-based login modules.

    Subclasses need to implement the authenticateUser() method and later call commitUserAuthentication().

    • Field Detail

      • _sharedState

        protected Map<String,​?> _sharedState
        State shared with other login modules.
      • _options

        protected Map<String,​?> _options
        Options configured for this LoginModule.
      • LOGGER

        protected static final Logger LOGGER
        System Logger.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseCertificateLoginModule

        public BaseCertificateLoginModule()
    • Method Detail

      • commitUserAuthentication

        protected final void commitUserAuthentication​(String[] groups)

        This is a convenience method which can be used by subclasses

        Note that this method is called after the authentication has succeeded. If authentication failed do not call this method. This method sets the authentication status to success if the groups parameter is non-null.

        groups - String array of group memberships for user (could be empty).
      • authenticateUser

        protected abstract void authenticateUser()
                                          throws LoginException
        Perform authentication decision. Method returns silently on success and returns a LoginException on failure.

        Must be overridden to add custom functionality.

        LoginException - on authentication failure.
      • getAppName

        protected final String getAppName()
        Get the application name.

        This may be useful when a single LoginModule has to handle multiple applications that use certificates.

        the application name. Non-null only for web container.
      • getCerts

        protected X509Certificate[] getCerts()
        Get the certificate chain presented by the client.
        the certificate chain from the client.
      • getX500Principal

        protected X500Principal getX500Principal()
        Returns the subject (subject distinguished name) value from the first certificate, in the client certificate chain, as an X500Principal. If the subject value is empty, then the getName() method of the returned X500Principal object returns an empty string ("").
        an X500Principal representing the subject distinguished name from thr first certificate, in the client certificate chain;
      • getSubject

        protected Subject getSubject()
        Return the subject being authenticated.
        the subject being authenticated.