Interface SecurityManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SecurityManager
    This interface is used by the Container to manage access to EJBs. The container has a reference to an implementation of this interface.
    Harish Prabandham
    • Method Detail

      • authorize

        boolean authorize​(ComponentInvocation inv)
        The - Invocation object containing the details of the invocation.
        true if the client is allowed to invoke the EJB, false otherwise.
      • getCallerPrincipal

        Principal getCallerPrincipal()
        The Principal of the client who made the current invocation.
      • isCallerInRole

        boolean isCallerInRole​(String role)
        The - EJB developer specified "logical role".
        A boolean true/false depending on whether or not the caller has the specified role.
      • preInvoke

        void preInvoke​(ComponentInvocation inv)
        This sets up the security context - if not set and does run-as related login if required
        ComponentInvocation -
      • postInvoke

        void postInvoke​(ComponentInvocation inv)
        This method is used by the Invocation Manager to remove the run-as identity information that was set up using the preInvoke
        ComponentInvocation -
      • destroy

        void destroy()
        Call this method to clean up all the bookeeping data-structures in the SM.
      • getCurrentSubject

        Subject getCurrentSubject()
        This will return the subject associated with the current call. If the run as subject is in effect. It will return that subject. This is done to support the JACC specification which says if the runas principal is in effect, that principal should be used for making a component call.
        Subject the current subject. Null if this is not the runas case
      • resetPolicyContext

        void resetPolicyContext()
        Purge ThreadLocals held by