Class UsernamePasswordStore

  • public final class UsernamePasswordStore
    extends Object
    This class is used to share information between either of the following scenarios 1. Different points of execution of a single thread 2. Different threads that wish to share the username and password information Which of the above two condition is applicable depends upon the system property key "com.sun.appserv.iiopclient.perthreadauth"; When set to true, scenario #1 above applies and the username/password information is not shared between threads. When set to false, scenario #2 above applies and the username/password information stored by one thread is global and visible to all threads.
    • Method Detail

      • set

        public static void set​(String username,
                               char[] password)
        This method sets the username and password as thread-local or global variable
        username -
        password -
      • reset

        public static void reset()
        Clears the username and password, that might have been previously stored, either globally or locally to each thread.
      • resetThreadLocalOnly

        public static void resetThreadLocalOnly()
        Clears the username and password only is they were stored locally to each thread
      • getUsername

        public static String getUsername()
        Returns the username, that was previously stored.
        The username set previously or null if not set
      • getPassword

        public static char[] getPassword()
        Returns the password, that was previously stored.
        The password set previously or null if not set