Class SecurityUtil

  • public class SecurityUtil
    extends Object
    This utility class contains JACC related utilities.

    This is mostly used by the SecurityDeployer, but the getContextID method is broadly shared, and the other public methods are used by the EJBSecurityManagaer and EJBDeployer.

    Harpreet Singh, Shing Wai Chan
    • Field Detail

      • repository

        public static final String repository
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityUtil

        public SecurityUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • removePolicy

        public static void removePolicy​(String name)
                                 throws IASSecurityException
        Inform the policy module to take the named policy context out of service. The policy context is transitioned to the deleted state. In our provider implementation, the corresponding policy file is deleted, as the presence of a policy file in the repository is how we persistently remember which policy contexts are in service.
        String - name - the module id which serves to identify the corresponding policy context. The name shall not be null.