Class GFServerConfigProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GFServerConfigProvider
    extends Object
    This class implements the interface AuthConfigProvider.
    Shing Wai Chan, Ronald Monzillo
    • Constructor Detail

      • GFServerConfigProvider

        public GFServerConfigProvider​(Map properties,
    • Method Detail

      • getClientAuthConfig

        public getClientAuthConfig​(String layer,
                                                                                         String appContext,
                                                                                         CallbackHandler handler)
        Get an instance of ClientAuthConfig from this provider.

        The implementation of this method returns a ClientAuthConfig instance that describes the configuration of ClientAuthModules at a given message layer, and for use in an identified application context.

        Specified by:
        getClientAuthConfig in interface
        layer - a String identifying the message layer for the returned ClientAuthConfig object. This argument must not be null.
        appContext - a String that identifies the messaging context for the returned ClientAuthConfig object. This argument must not be null.
        handler - a CallbackHandler to be passed to the ClientAuthModules encapsulated by ClientAuthContext objects derived from the returned ClientAuthConfig. This argument may be null, in which case the implementation may assign a default handler to the configuration.
        a ClientAuthConfig Object that describes the configuration of ClientAuthModules at the message layer and messaging context identified by the layer and appContext arguments. This method does not return null.
        Throws: - if this provider does not support the assignment of a default CallbackHandler to the returned ClientAuthConfig.
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have permission to retrieve the configuration. The CallbackHandler assigned to the configuration must support the Callback objects required to be supported by the profile of this specification being followed by the messaging runtime. The CallbackHandler instance must be initialized with any application context needed to process the required callbacks on behalf of the corresponding application.
      • getServerAuthConfig

        public getServerAuthConfig​(String layer,
                                                                                         String appContext,
                                                                                         CallbackHandler handler)
        Get an instance of ServerAuthConfig from this provider.

        The implementation of this method returns a ServerAuthConfig instance that describes the configuration of ServerAuthModules at a given message layer, and for a particular application context.

        Specified by:
        getServerAuthConfig in interface
        layer - a String identifying the message layer for the returned ServerAuthConfig object. This argument must not be null.
        appContext - a String that identifies the messaging context for the returned ServerAuthConfig object. This argument must not be null.
        handler - a CallbackHandler to be passed to the ServerAuthModules encapsulated by ServerAuthContext objects derived from thr returned ServerAuthConfig. This argument may be null, in which case the implementation may assign a default handler to the configuration.
        a ServerAuthConfig Object that describes the configuration of ServerAuthModules at a given message layer, and for a particular application context. This method does not return null.
        Throws: - if this provider does not support the assignment of a default CallbackHandler to the returned ServerAuthConfig.
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have permission to retrieve the configuration.

        The CallbackHandler assigned to the configuration must support the Callback objects required to be supported by the profile of this specification being followed by the messaging runtime. The CallbackHandler instance must be initialized with any application context needed to process the required callbacks on behalf of the corresponding application.

      • refresh

        public void refresh()
        Causes a dynamic configuration provider to update its internal state such that any resulting change to its state is reflected in the corresponding authentication context configuration objects previously created by the provider within the current process context.
        Specified by:
        refresh in interface
        Throws: - if an error occured during the refresh.
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have permission to refresh the provider.
      • loadConfigContext

        public static void loadConfigContext​(Object config)
        this method is intended to be called by the admin configuration system when the corresponding config object has changed. It relies on the slaves, since it is a static method.
        config - a config object of type understood by the parser. NOTE: there appears to be a thread saftey problem, and this method will fail if a slaveProvider has not been established prior to its call.
      • loadParser

        protected static void loadParser​( aProvider,
                                         Object config)
      • getClassLoader

        protected static ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      • setValidateRequestSubject

        public static void setValidateRequestSubject​(Subject subject)