Class SOAPAuthParam

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SOAPAuthParam
    extends Object
    implements AuthParam
    SOAP authentication parameter.

    An instance of SOAPAuthParam may be created with a null response object (for example during a call to ServerAuthContext.validateRequest). If so, a response object may be created as necessary (by modules), and set into the SOAPAuthParam via the setResponse method.

    An instance of SOAPAuthParam may also be created with a null request object (for example during a call to ServerAuthContext.secureResponse).

    1.12, 06/08/04
    • Constructor Detail

      • SOAPAuthParam

        public SOAPAuthParam​(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage request,
                             jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage response)
        Create a SOAPAuthParam.
        request - the SOAP request object, which may be null.
        response - the SOAP response object, which may be null.
      • SOAPAuthParam

        public SOAPAuthParam​(Object request,
                             Object response,
                             int dummy)
        Create a SOAPAuthParam (using Packets)
        request - the request Packet, which may be null.
        response - the response Packet, which may be null.
        dummy - int serves only to disambiguate constructors
    • Method Detail

      • getMap

        public Map getMap()
        Get the SOAP request object.
        the SOAP request object, which may be null.
      • getRequest

        public jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage getRequest()
        Get the SOAP request object.
        the SOAP request object, which may be null.
      • getResponse

        public jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage getResponse()
        Get the SOAP response object.
        the SOAP response object, which may be null.
      • setRequest

        public void setRequest​(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage request)
        Set the SOAP request object.
        request - the SOAP response object.
      • setResponse

        public void setResponse​(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage response)
        Set the SOAP response object.
        response - the SOAP response object.
      • getRequestPacket

        public Object getRequestPacket()
        Return the request Packet.
        the request Packet, which may be null.
      • getResponsePacket

        public Object getResponsePacket()
        Return the response Packet.
        the response Packet, which may be null.
      • setRequestPacket

        public void setRequestPacket​(Object p)
        Set the request Packet.

        has the side effect of resetting the SOAP request message.

        packet - the request Packet
      • setResponsePacket

        public void setResponsePacket​(Object p)
        Set the response Packet.

        has the side effect of resetting the SOAP response message.

        packet - the response Packet
      • printSOAP

        public static void printSOAP​(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage s)