Class MessageIdCatalog

  • public class MessageIdCatalog
    extends Object
    Simple catalog class to locate Diagnostic Information based on message id as the key. resource bundle is located using the module name.
    Carla Mott
    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageIdCatalog

        public MessageIdCatalog()
    • Method Detail

      • getDiagnosticCausesForMessageId

        public ArrayList getDiagnosticCausesForMessageId​(String messageId,
                                                         String moduleName)
        Get all the documented DiagnosticCauses for a given message id. The results will be localized based on the current locale of the AppServer's JVM.
      • getDiagnosticChecksForMessageId

        public ArrayList getDiagnosticChecksForMessageId​(String messageId,
                                                         String moduleName)
        Get all the documented DiagnosticChecks for a given message id. The results will be localized based on the current locale of the AppServer's JVM.