Class ASenvPropertyReader

  • public class ASenvPropertyReader
    extends Object
    Class ASenvPropertyReader This class converts the variables stored in asenv.conf (UNIX) or asenv.bat (WINDOWS) into their equivalent system properties.

    This class guarantees that no Exception will get thrown back. You may however, have a bad javaRoot set even though we tried everything to find one

    • Constructor Detail

      • ASenvPropertyReader

        public ASenvPropertyReader()
        Read and process the information in asenv There are no arguments because the installation directory is calculated relative to the jar file you are calling from. Unlike V2 this class will not set any System Properties. Instead it will give you a Map containing the properties.

        To use the class, create an instance and then call getProps().

      • ASenvPropertyReader

        public ASenvPropertyReader​(File installDir)
        Read and process the information in asenv.[bat|conf] This constructor should normally not be called. It is designed for unit test classes that are not running from an official installation.
        installDir - The Glassfish installation directory
    • Method Detail

      • getProps

        public Map<String,​String> getProps()
        Returns the properties that were processed. This includes going to a bit of trouble setting up the hostname and java root.
        A Map with all the properties
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of the properties in the Map. Format: name=value\nname2=value2\n etc.
        toString in class Object
        the string representation.